Legal information related to PIPEDA

Legal Guidance Documents

Privacy Handbook for Lawyers

We have created a Privacy Handbook for Lawyers, which is intended to provide an accessible overview of the requirements of PIPEDA as it may apply to lawyers and law firms in private practice and some corporate counsel. It is designed to help lawyers maintain best practices in managing their collection, use and disclosure of personal information, in compliance with PIPEDA. This handbook also addresses the potential application of PIPEDA in the civil litigation context.

Learning from experience

In the past, we have also produced guidance documents summarizing findings and decisions made under PIPEDA and Quebec’s private-sector privacy legislation.

For information on the key developments in the first seven years following the enactment of PIPEDA in 2001, consult our publication, Leading by Example: Key Developments in the First Seven Years of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), 2008.

In 1994, Québec became the first Canadian jurisdiction to adopt private-sector privacy legislation. In 2003, our Office set out to review and summarize Québec’s experience in order to gain insight and to compare our respective approaches. Learning from a Decade of Experience: Quebec's Private Sector Privacy Act.

For other guidance documents, see the OPC Guidance and Information web page.