Section 29 of PIPEDA requires Parliament to review Part 1 of the Act (the portion dealing with data protection) every five years. As the Act came into force in stages starting in 2001, the initial five-year review was scheduled for 2006. The first review of Part 1 of PIPEDA was undertaken by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (“ETHI”). Hearings were held between November 20, 2006 and February 22, 2007, during which time ETHI heard from 67 witnesses and considered 34 submissions from individual Canadians and Canadian organizations. Our Office was actively involved in the consultation process. We invite you to have a look at our Office’s submissions and documents related to the consultation process below.

At the conclusion of this process, ETHI issued its final report on May 2, 2007. The Government subsequently issued its response to the Committee’s report on October 17, 2007 and invited public comment on key issues for PIPEDA review.

In May, 2010, the Government introduced Bill C-29, which contained a number of amendments to the Act flowing from the first PIPEDA review. This legislation died on the order paper, but was re-introduced in September 2011 as Bill C-12.

This section also contains links to other documents related to reforming PIPEDA.

Submissions and documents related to PIPEDA review