Findings under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

Definitions of Findings and Other Dispositions

The Office has developed a series of definitions of findings and dispositions to explain the outcome of its investigations under PIPEDA:

No jurisdiction

Based on the preliminary information gathered, it was determined that PIPEDA did not apply to the organization or activity that was the subject of the complaint.  The Commissioner does not issue a report.

Declined to Investigate

The Commissioner declined to commence an investigation in respect of a complaint because she was of the view that the complainant ought first to exhaust grievance or review procedures otherwise reasonably available; the complaint could be more appropriately dealt with by means of another procedure provided for under the laws of Canada or of a province; or, the complaint was not filed within a reasonable period after the day on which the subject matter of the complaint arose, as set out in subsection 12(1) of PIPEDA.


The investigation was discontinued before the allegations were fully investigated. An investigation may be discontinued at the Commissioner’s discretion for the reasons set out in subsection 12.2(1) of PIPEDA.


The complainant voluntarily withdrew the complaint or could no longer be practicably reached. The Commissioner does not issue a report.

Early resolved

The OPC helped negotiate a solution that satisfied all involved parties, without a formal investigation being undertaken. The Commissioner does not issue a report.


The OPC helped negotiate a solution that satisfied all involved parties during the course of the investigation. The Commissioner does not issue a report.

Not well-founded

The investigation uncovered no or insufficient evidence to conclude that an organization contravened PIPEDA.

Well-founded and conditionally resolved

The Commissioner determined that an organization contravened a provision of PIPEDA. The organization committed to implementing the recommendations made by the Commissioner and demonstrating their implementation within the timeframe specified.

Well-founded and resolved

The Commissioner determined that an organization contravened a provision of PIPEDA. The organization demonstrated it had taken satisfactory corrective action to remedy the situation, either proactively or in response to recommendations made by the Commissioner, by the time the finding was issued.


The Commissioner determined that an organization contravened a provision of PIPEDA.