Tools and Videos

Do-it-yourself House Rules for Online Privacy

The best tool for online privacy success is a great plan that your family can discuss and use together. By talking about the ways you interact online and the potential impact these activities could have on your privacy, your family can build a plan that keeps everyone safe and sound. With this tool, parents can take the time to learn how their children spend time online and then discuss the ways to protect privacy while communicating, exploring and learning.

Privacy Activity Sheets for Kids

Kids today go online earlier in life than ever before – which means that parents should start talking about the digital world and online privacy much sooner than they used to. We have created these six activity sheets to give parents and educators a fun way to get the conversation started. The sheets appear in order of difficulty, ranging from very simple (a colouring page) to more difficult (a simple cryptography activity).

What can YOU do to protect your online rep?

Once you put your personal information out there, you can’t take it back. Watch as our video shows that it’s almost impossible to take back anything that you put online – much like getting the toothpaste back into the tube.

Check out our video that speaks to kids directly about the issues they should consider when they are posting information online.

My Privacy and Me National Video Contest Winners

Our Office ran a national youth video contest from 2008 to 2011. We held the contest to capture the attention of young people and to encourage them to talk about how to protect their privacy when they are online and out in the real world. Over the years, we offered categories that featured a variety of privacy issues, such as mobile devices, social networking and targeted advertising. We were very pleased with the quality of each of our winning videos, and we hope that young people will continue to watch these videos and benefit from their messages.

Privacy Quiz

How well do you know your privacy rights? Take our quiz to discover important information about your privacy when you're online.