Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Canadian Firearms Program

The Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) was created in 1996 to oversee the administration of the Firearms Act and regulations. In 2003, the Canada Firearms Centre (CAFC) was established as a stand-alone agency within the portfolio of Public Safety Canada. On May 17, 2006, the responsibility for the CFP was transferred to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). This change is in keeping with the Government’s objective of reducing gun crime while allowing Canadian police authorities to more effectively coordinate gun control activities with other crime control measures.

The CFP provides direct operational and technical firearms-related support to law enforcement across Canada. It also oversees the administration of the Firearms Act and its related Regulations, serving lawful and responsible firearms users while targeting firearms use that is unsafe or criminal in nature. Public safety is the CFP’s goal.