Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Police and Public Agencies

To request statistical information from the Canadian Firearms Program for the area where your organization has law enforcement jurisdiction, please email:

Notice - Public Agents Firearms

The deadline for reporting initial inventory firearms
under the Public Agents Firearm Regulation was
October 31, 2009; however, Public Sector Agencies have an ongoing obligation to report agency firearms and protected firearms.

“Agency” firearms are those used by the employees of your agency, including police officers. “Protected” firearms are those in agency custody following seizure, surrender or for some other reason.

Please note that all changes to firearms inventories must continue to be reported to the Registry. Protected firearms that are newly acquired must be reported within 30 days of coming into the possession of an agency. Disposal of all firearms must be reported within 30 days of destruction. The RCMP Public Agency Web Services is available for all firearms reporting.

Public Service Agencies including police agencies can obtain assistance with PWS firearms reporting by email or by calling the public agency support team help line at 1-800-731-4000, extension 1045, Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).

Public Agency Regulations

  • Effective October 31, 2008
  • The regulations require agencies that possess firearms to report them to the Registrar. This applies to all Police Agencies, Courts and Public Service Agencies at all levels. (federal,  provincial and municipal)
  • Important Facts
  • Computer based training on how to describe firearms using the RCMP Firearm Reference Table (FRT) is available at Canadian Police Knowledge Network website.

NOTE: If your agency possesses firearms and you have not requested a Public Agency Identification Number (PAIN) request one now by email at .  Include your agency name, the name of a contact person, a contact phone number and the full mailing address for your agency.

A copy of the Public Agents Firearm Regulations can be viewed from the Justice Canada web site.