Promoting Peace and Security 

Creating a peaceful and secure environment is key to enabling Sub-Saharan Africa to reduce poverty, establish political stability, promote democracy and achieve its economic potential.

Canada's Role

Canada engages with trusted partners, including individual countries and regional and sub-regional organizations such as the African Union and regional economic communities (RECs) to promote an integrated approach to security, development and regional cooperation. Helping volatile areas achieve greater stability allows important humanitarian work and the delivery of international assistance to take place.

Canada has made a number of contributions during the past few years to respond to crises and help strengthen the peace and security capacity of African countries. Canada's efforts include support for focussed training to members of the military and police forces of many African countries, helping forces to enhance their skills and prepare them for participation in international peacekeeping operations.

Canada is also committed to working with African countries to help them to develop their capacity to combat the threat of terrorism. Concrete initiatives include support for training, equipment and technical assistance to strengthen legal instruments, combat the financing of terrorism and increase border and transportation security.

Quick Facts

  • Canada's $ 5 million (2013) contribution to the UN Trust Fund for the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) supported international efforts to stabilize the security situation and secure humanitarian space for the delivery of assistance
  • Canada provided $10 million in support of international efforts in Mali to address the crisis, helping the
    • UN Trust Fund for the African-led Mission in that country (AFISMA) prepare for the transition to its UN-led successor (MINUSMA)
    • UN Trust Fund in Support of Peace and Security in Mali assist in demobilization and reintegration of former combatants and
    • European Union Training Mission in Mali (EUTM Mali) train and advise the Malian Armed Forces on subjects such as international humanitarian law, the protection of civilians and human rights
  • Canada was the first contributor to the Trust Fund for the African Union-led stabilization mission to the Central African Republic (MISCA), providing $ 5 million (2013) for training and communication equipment that was essential to the early start-up and operational capability of the mission
  • Canada provided $1.3 million for the construction of the Tanzanian Peacekeeping Training Centre in Dar es Salaam, working in partnership with other countries to establish a centre dedicated to train peacekeepers
  • Since 2010 Canada has provided over $30 million to support counter terrorism in Africa