Subscribe to Email Notices

Receive email notices with media advisories, news releases, statements and speeches of our ministers.

Global Affairs Canada is committed to safeguarding the personal information under its control and respecting the privacy rights of individuals who take part in online program activities, visit departmental websites and/or subscribe to departmental email notifications.

“Personal information“ is defined as any information, in any form, about an identifiable individual. Please refer to section 3 of the Privacy Act for further details regarding the definition of personal information. Personal information collected by Global Affairs Canada is protected from disclosure to unauthorized persons and/or agencies subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act. Individuals have the right to the protection of and access to their personal information, as well as the right to request corrections when they believe their personal information contains errors or omissions. Individuals may contact the department’s Access to Information and Privacy Protection Division to request corrections.

Users who subscribe to the department’s online News publication application (email notification service) may cancel their subscriptions at any time.

Personal information entered on the subscription page is collected for the sole purpose of facilitating access to and distribution of departmental statements, speeches, media advisories, photo releases and news releases, as well as to improve our services. Global Affairs Canada will not use personal information collected in these cases for other purposes (for example, follow-up research/surveys) without first obtaining a user’s explicit consent.

Personal information will be retained by the department’s Public Affairs branch for one year following receipt of an unsubscribe notification.

Individuals have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the department’s handling of their personal information.

By providing your personal information, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this statement and consent to Global Affairs Canada’s use of your personal information.

For more information, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions.

1. What is the email subscription service?

The service provides subscribers with email notifications for any of the Media Room Publications (News Releases, Media Advisories, Photo Releases, and Speeches).

2. How does this service work?

Filling in the registration form and clicking "subscribe" will register you as a subscriber to the notification service. You will receive an email confirmation message to confirm your subscription. All new documents of the kind you have selected will be automatically forwarded to the email address you have registered when they are issued. For items selected from the Media Room (News Releases, Media Advisories, Photo Releases, and Speeches), emails will arrive from the following address: Messages will contain the title, content and, in most cases, a corresponding Internet address so that you may link directly to the item on the Web site.

3. How will my subscription information be used?

Provision of the information requested on the subscription form is required for the purposes of issuing notifications via email when new documents become available. Personal information will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act and stored in the Personal Information Bank (FAI PPU 030).

4. Are other types of email distributed through this service?

No. However, on rare occasions, notifications related to administrative matters concerning the publications and the service may be sent to subscribers.

5. What if my email address changes?

Please resubscribe under your new email address.

6. Why I do not receive the requested material?

If you do not receive the requested material within a week of subscribing or experience other problems with this service, please contact us.

7. How do I unsubscribe from the service?

To unsubscribe from the service, click on the "To unsubscribe" link or the link to send a blank email, both of which are provided at the bottom of all email alerts.

Registration form

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