Richard Frenette

Richard Frenette was appointed to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board in 2012. He was a member of the Canadian Armed Forces Army Reserve for 27 years. During this time, he held several command positions including Commanding Officer of the 6th Field Artillery Regiment in the 35 Canadian Brigade Group as well as that of the Valcartier and Farnham summer training centres. He attained the rank of Brigadier-General as the Deputy Commander of Land Force Québec Area. In addition to his military career, he spent 33 years in the education sector, including 17 years in school administration. Among others, he worked at the École Général-Georges-Vanier and the Canadian Forces Base school in Lahr, Germany. Mr. Frenette has also been involved in numerous non-profit organizations.

Mr. Frenette has a Bachelor of Education from Laval University. He lives in Québec, is married and has three children.

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