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Bringing Good Management to Market

The Farm Products Council of Canada (FPCC) works on behalf of the Government of Canada to help ensure all Canadians have affordable and continuous access to the foods they need while maintaining fair market prices for farmers. FPCC's specific role is to provide oversight of the national supply management agencies for poultry and eggs, as well as to supervise national promotion and research agencies for farm products. FPCC is responsible for administering two federal Acts, the Farm Products Agencies Act (FPAA or the Act) and the Agricultural Products Marketing Act (APMA).

Publications du gouvernement du Canada

Promotion and Research Agencies (PRA)

Many agricultural industry groups have common organizations that conduct promotion and research for their farm products in order to expand markets and increase sales through advertising and promotion programs, as well as research product attributes, production process, and new products. Promotion and research agencies created under the FPAA may do all of this, but with one key difference: they are funded through a national system of levy collected on domestic and imported products. To read more:

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Growing plants

Our mission and vision

The FPCC's mission is to work with its partners to ensure that the supply management and promotion and research systems have the flexibility needed to respond to current and future challenges in a flexible, accountable and transparent manner. Council is recognized by its partners for its contribution to supply management and promotion and research systems that are transparent and efficient.

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FPCC's 2015-2018 Strategic Plan

In developing FPCC’s Strategic Plan 2015-2018, Council members will be meeting over the next few months with national agencies, provincial supervisory boards as well as provincial commodity boards and other industry stakeholders seeking their observations and comments.

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Laurent Pellerin,  Chairman

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Mike Pickard,
