
FedNor is committed to supporting Northern Ontario's economy by encouraging communities and businesses to become more innovative, productive and competitive through the adoption, adaptation and commercialization of new technologies, fostering technology linkages between business and institutions, advancing technological research and development, and promoting community innovation initiatives.

Expected Results

Results generated by FedNor's investments in innovation will include:

  • strengthened or new alliances and clusters among businesses, research institutions and innovation centres to commercialize applied research and development in the short- to medium-term (up to five years);
  • increased number of businesses in Northern Ontario engaged in the applied research and innovation process; and
  • increased number of value-added products, processes or services developed and commercialized to enhance productivity and competitiveness in key sectors in Northern Ontario.

Eligible Applicants

  • Not-for-profit organizations in Northern Ontario, such as community economic development, Aboriginal and Francophone organizations, industry and business associations, networks, post-secondary institutions, research centres or alliances.
  • Municipalities; municipal organizations; and First Nations in Northern Ontario.
  • SMEs with fewer than 500 employees in Northern Ontario, including corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, proprietorships, trusts or consortia.

Eligible Project Activities

Activities related to applied research and development (R&D) with commercial market potential, including:

  • proof of concept, engineering design, prototype development, product testing, patent registration;
  • early stage marketing, outreach and promotional initiatives, product, process and service certifications;
  • market research and technical studies to determine needs and direct future R&D and other related R&D studies; and
  • youth internships to assist with projects related to R&D for a period of 12 months.

Activities that enable organizations and SMEs to increase the level of innovation, productivity, quality and competitiveness in key sectors, such as biotechnology, the mining and forest industries, agri-food, information and communications technology, renewable energy and manufacturing. Eligible activities include:

  • technology development and acceleration;
  • commercialization of intellectual property;
  • creating, acquiring or enhancing assets and capacity to support technological innovation, industrial R&D, and creation, adoption or adaptation of technology;
  • linking stakeholders in the innovation system to create synergies, optimize information sharing and collaborative working relationships and create or strengthen technology and research clusters;
  • acquiring the services of a consultant, accountant or other expertise to complete complex funding applications and proposals to government or other research granting/funding programs;
  • training on new equipment or process enhancements in support of technology innovation and transfer;
  • completing studies, assessments, analyses and plans of management and operations;
  • undertaking feasibility studies, project plans, business plans/strategies, cluster and competitiveness studies; and
  • youth internships to assist with projects related to innovation for a period of 12 months.

Other activities related to innovation necessary to further an economic goal in Northern Ontario may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Eligible Costs

Eligible costs include all expenses directly related to the project and deemed reasonable and necessary for its execution.

Non-capital costs may include:

  • fees for professional and technical services, including technology implementation, engineering services;
  • costs related to training on new technology;
  • costs related to securing intellectual property, licensing and patent registration;
  • costs related to producing and disseminating results of study/plans;
  • marketing costs, including design, promotional materials, advertising, product demonstrations and participation at trade shows; and
  • travel expenses and labour costs.

Capital costs may include:

  • applied research and development needs, such as a laboratory modification;
  • servicing of industrial lands;
  • leasehold improvements; and
  • machinery, equipment and technology.

Ineligible Project Activities and Costs

Certain activities and costs will not be considered eligible, including:

  • basic research;
  • infrastructure investments related to the research activities of post secondary, health-related or other research institutions that will not lead to commercialization and are not linked to SMEs;
  • simple adoption or transfer of conventional or mature technologies that do not lead to advancements in innovation; and
  • land and rolling stock.

Funding Conditions

  • Assistance available for SMEs is repayable.
  • Assistance available for not-for-profits includes repayable and non-repayable contributions. Contributions will normally be repayable where proposed projects generate profits for the eligible applicant. All youth internships are non-repayable.
  • Generally, FedNor will support up to 33 percent of eligible capital costs and up to 50 percent of eligible non-capital costs.
  • Eligible applicants are expected to contribute a minimum of 10 percent of project costs.
  • If applicants incur costs to implement their projects prior to approval of funding, these costs will not be considered eligible for reimbursement unless written consent is provided by FedNor.
  • For youth internships with not-for-profit organizations, FedNor may contribute up to $31,500 (90 percent) for employee salary and benefits.
  • For youth internships with SMEs, FedNor may contribute up to $31,500 (50 percent) for employee salary, benefits, and professional/business skills development and associated travel costs.

Other Considerations

Project applications are reviewed and funding levels determined based on criteria, such as:

  • net economic benefit to Northern Ontario, especially in the short- to medium-term (up to five years);
  • development, growth and increased competitiveness of SMEs;
  • creation and retention of jobs in Northern Ontario;
  • competitive impacts on existing businesses;
  • alignment with community economic priorities;
  • need for assistance to make the project viable;
  • requested assistance complements and does not displace other available government funding programs;
  • availability of FedNor's NODP funds;
  • opportunities to leverage investment from other funding sources;
  • projects that are deemed to enhance the vitality and support the development of Official Language Minority Communities and/or foster the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society.

Where applicable, FedNor requires that:

  • projects address the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and reflect the spirit and intent of the Official Languages Act;
  • applicants use a fair, competitive and transparent procurement process to ensure the best value for money when supplies, equipment and services are purchased or personnel hired; and
  • an appropriate authority or regulatory body endorses the project.

Service Standards

FedNor is committed to providing quality service to all applicants and funding recipients in the official language of their choice.

Our goal is to:

  • acknowledge receipt of an application within three (3) working days; and,
  • provide a decision on applications within eighty (80) working days of receipt of a fully completed application.

How to Apply

Please call 1-877-333-6673 to discuss your proposal with a FedNor Officer in your area or begin your application process.