Canada and the world

Find information about Canada's foreign policy, trade agreements, development work and more.



International offices and emergency contacts

Find contact information for Canadian embassies, consulates and trade commissioners as well as emergency consular assistance.

Study, work and travel worldwide

Find all the information you need to help plan your travels, studies or work abroad.

Funding for international initiatives

Learn about funding options for your international development, foreign policy or trade projects.

Aid and development

Find out about Canada’s international development priorities and responses to humanitarian crises.

International trade and investment

Get practical information to help you understand international markets, including facts on importing and exporting, free trade agreements and foreign investment.

International relations

Explore Canada’s role in international organizations, trade negotiations and sanctions.

World issues

The international community is facing complex challenges that require thoughtful and coordinated action from its members. Discover how Canada is contributing to these efforts.

Information by country

Find information about Canada’s presence in countries around the world.


Situation in Syria

#WelcomeRefugees with image of Syrian refugees

Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, Canada has contributed almost $1 billion in assistance for the region.

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

The Government of Canada is committed to being transparent, open and consultative with Canadians on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

New EduCanada brand

Canadian Minister of International Trade, Chrystia Freeland, welcomes Canada's new EduCanada brand.

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