Management Accountability Framework

The Management Accountability Framework (MAF) is a framework for management excellence, accompanied by an annual assessment of management practices and performance in most departments and agencies of the Government of Canada.

The MAF is a key tool of oversight that is used by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) to help ensure that federal departments and agencies are well managed, accountable and that resources are allocated to achieve results.


The Management Accountability Framework establishes the expectations for sound public sector management practices and performance. The MAF supports the management accountability of organizational deputy heads and improves management practices across government departments and agencies.

The objectives of the MAF are:

  • To obtain an organizational and government-wide view of the state of management practices and performance;
  • To inform Deputy Ministers and Heads of Agencies about their organizations’ management capacity;
  • To inform the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat about the state of policy implementation and practices;
  • To identify areas of management strength and any areas that require attention;
  • To communicate and track progress on government-wide management priorities; and,
  • To continuously improve management capabilities, effectiveness and efficiency government-wide.


MAF is a framework for a well-managed organization. It sets out the conditions that are required to achieve strong organizational performance.

Elements of the Framework: A description of the graphic can be found at the link located below
Framework - Text version
Leadership and Strategic Direction
Articulates and embodies the vision, mandate and strategic priorities that guide the organization while supporting Ministers and Parliament in serving the public interest.
Results and Accountability
Uses performance results to ensure accountability and drive ongoing improvements and efficiencies to policies, programs, and services to Canadians.
Public Sector Values
Exemplifies the core values of the public sector by having respect for people and democracy, serving with integrity and demonstrating stewardship and excellence.
Continuous Learning and Innovation
Manages through continuous innovation and transformation, to promote organizational learning and improve performance.
Governance and Strategic Management
Maintains effective governance that integrates and aligns priorities, plans, accountabilities and risk management to ensure that internal management functions support and enable high performing policies, programs and services.
People Management
Optimizes the workforce and the work environment to enable high productivity and performance, effective use of human resources and increased employee engagement.
Financial and Asset Management
Provides an effective and sustainable financial management function founded on sound internal controls, timely and reliable reporting, and fairness and transparency in the management of assets and acquired services.
Information Management
Safeguards and manages information and systems as a public trust and a strategic asset that supports effective decision-making and efficient operations to maximize value in the service of Canadians.
Management of Policy and Programs
Designs and manages policies and programs to ensure value for money in achieving results.
Management of Service Delivery
Delivers client-centred services while optimizing partnerships and technology to meet the needs of stakeholders.

In order to achieve management excellence, each element of the framework needs to have been considered and put into place.

MAF Assessment Process

The Management Accountability (MAF) assessment process involves a review of management practices and performance in small and large departments and agencies across the federal government on an annual basis.

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