
View official background information that complements news releases from the Government of Canada that are listed from the newest to the oldest.

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17:40 ADT (Monday, Oct 17, 2016) - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

BizPaL simplifies access to information on permits and licences for Canadian businesses

BizPaL is an online service that benefits Canadian businesses by helping them identify which permits and licences they require and how to obtain them. Entrepreneurs simply select the business activities they plan to undertake, and BizPaL then automatically generates a list of required permits and licences from all levels of government, along with basic information on each. The list also includes links to the various government websites where entrepreneurs can learn more and, in some cases, apply online....

12:30 ADT (Friday, Oct 14, 2016) - Parks Canada

Dorimène Desjardins (1858-1932)

Dorimène Desjardins is considered the co-founder of the caisses populaires (credit unions) for her work in collaboration with husband Alphonse Desjardins, who founded the first caisse populaire on December 6, 1900....

11:06 ADT (Friday, Oct 14, 2016) - Global Affairs Canada

Backgrounder - Canada provides an additional $2 million in humanitarian assistance funding to Haiti

Canada provides additional humanitarian assistance to Haiti...

09:00 ADT (Friday, Oct 14, 2016) - Finance Canada

Technical Backgrounder: Housing Insurance Rules and Income Tax Proposals (Revised October 14, 2016)

Technical Backgrounder: Housing Insurance Rules and Income Tax Proposals (Revised October 14, 2016)...

17:00 ADT (Thursday, Oct 13, 2016) - FedNor

The Government of Canada Supports Projects that Help Businesses and Entrepreneurs Grow, Expand Markets and Create Jobs

The Government of Canada is investing $2 million to help women entrepreneurs, as well as small and medium-sized companies in Northern Ontario. The funding will allow them to get the skills training they need to raise the venture capital they need to expand their businesses. Organizations that will benefit from this announcement include the PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise and the Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre....

14:00 ADT (Thursday, Oct 13, 2016) - Infrastructure Canada

Backgrounder: Canada helps protect three Alberta communities from flood risks

All three projects announced today were approved under the Disaster Mitigation Infrastructure category of the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component – National and Regional Projects....

10:45 ADT (Thursday, Oct 13, 2016) - Canadian Heritage

The 150th Anniversary of Confederation in 2017: Communities at the Heart of the Celebrations!

There will be activities for all Canadians...

14:03 ADT (Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016) - Transport Canada

Rail Safety Improvement Program (RSIP)

The new Rail Safety Improvement Program builds on three previous rail safety programs: the Grade Crossing Improvement Program (GCIP); the Grade Crossing Closure Program (GCCP); and Operation Lifesaver with an increased overall funding level, an expanded list of eligible recipients and a broadened scope of projects that could be funded to enhance rail safety...

11:00 ADT (Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016) - Parks Canada

2016 Yoho National Park Announcement Grand total investment*: $97 M

2016 Yoho National Park Announcement Grand total investment*: $97 M...

11:00 ADT (Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016) - Parks Canada

Wild Atlantic Salmon Conservation in Fundy National Park

Wild Atlantic Salmon Conservation in Fundy National Park...

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