News Release Article from  Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Six companies pay $1.23 million for making telemarketing calls to Canadians

June 29, 2016 – Ottawa-Gatineau – Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) today announced that six Canadian companies that made calls to Canadians through third-party call centres or on behalf of telemarketers have paid a total of $1.23 million as part of settlements for making non-compliant telemarketing calls.

The companies and penalty amounts are:

  • Sirius XM Canada Inc. - $650,000
  • Raid Inc. - $500,000
  • 9117-7683 Québec Inc. (operating as Centre d’appel J.L) - $40,000
  • Leads, Call Centers & Marketing Solutions Inc. - $30,000
  • 8472416 Canada Inc. (operating as Télémarketing TS) - $8,000
  • 9165-2602 Québec Inc. (operating as Planification Marketing CF) - $5,000

Further to an investigation, the CRTC’s Chief Compliance and Enforcement Officer found that Sirius XM Canada hired telemarketers to conduct calls on its behalf. The telemarketers in question made calls to Canadians who were registered on the company’s internal do not call list. In the case of Raid, the marketer hired call centres to make calls on behalf of its clients, without ensuring that its clients were registered and subscribed to the National Do Not Call List (DNCL).

The investigation also revealed that four call centres made calls on behalf of their clients to Canadians whose phone numbers are registered on the National DNCL, or their clients’ internal do not call lists. Some call centres failed to subscribe to the National DNCL, verify their clients’ subscriptions and registrations to the National DNCL, and made calls outside of the designated calling hours.

About the National Do Not Call List

The National DNCL was launched in 2008 to protect Canadians from unsolicited telecommunications. Canadians may register their numbers permanently on the List at no charge. Over 13 million numbers are currently registered on the List.

Canadians can register their numbers, verify whether a number is on the List or file a complaint about a telemarketer by calling 1-866-580-DNCL (3625) or visiting the National DNCL website.

Quick facts

  • The four call centres, Raid Inc. and Sirius XM Canada Inc. cooperated during the investigations and agreed to implement a compliance program to avoid any further violations in the future.
  • The CRTC reminds telemarketers that it is their duty to comply with the Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules, whether based in Canada or abroad, and whether they make the calls themselves or hire a third-party agency to do it for them.
  • The Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules are a strict set of rules that individuals, companies and organizations must follow when making unsolicited telecommunications, including telemarketing calls.
  • The CRTC is continuing to enhance its monitoring to ensure telemarketers follow the Rules, and to reduce the number of unwanted calls to Canadians. The CRTC can discuss corrective actions with individuals, firms or organizations engaged in telemarketing, which may lead to a settlement that includes an administrative monetary penalty and other corrective measures. The CRTC can also issue warnings and citations, conduct inspections and issue notices of violation.
  • To date, the CRTC has imposed over $8 million in penalties payable to the Receiver General for Canada.


“Today’s announcement further demonstrates our commitment to reducing unwanted calls and to protecting the privacy of Canadians in their homes. It also serves as a reminder that all telemarketers and third-party call centres, whether based in Canada or abroad, must be properly registered and have a valid subscription to the National Do Not Call List before engaging in telemarketing calls.”

Manon Bombardier, CRTC Chief Compliance and Enforcement Officer

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