Buying and using drug and health products safely

Information on health product availability, importation, counterfeiting, prescription drug disposal, off-label veterinary drug use, buying drugs on-line and antibiotic resistance.


Importing drugs and health products for personal use

Get clarification on the policy for the importation of health products to Canada.

Safe disposal of prescription drugs

Understand safe disposal practices for expired and unused prescription medications. Also discover how pharmaceuticals impact the environment.

Counterfeit drugs

Locate guiding principles on identifying, accessing and managing health risks on counterfeit health products.

Buying drugs over the Internet

Know the risks when buying drugs on-line and how to tell if an Internet pharmacy is legally operated.

Drug shortages

Get information on drug shortages, how they are addressed and the people involved in the drug supply chain.

Antibiotic (antimicrobial) resistance

Help prevent antibiotic resistance by learning about its causes, impact and which bacteria and illnesses are antibiotic-resistant. Also discover helpful resources.

Buying medical devices over the Internet

Find out how to minimize your risk when buying medical devices on-line.

Off-label use (veterinary drugs)

Discover the risks of using veterinary drugs in ways that are not in accordance with the label or package insert. Also find advice and guidance on off-label use.

Cannabis for medical purposes

Accessing cannabis for medical purposes and the process for applying to be a licensed producer.

Medical procedures

Learn about medical procedures, including laser eye surgery, cosmetic injections and gastric banding surgery for weight loss. Also find information on ear candling, a home remedy.

Drug and health products available in Canada

Find out about natural health products, human and veterinary drugs, and medical devices, including associated patents and newly patented medicines.

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