Structure a network

Does your organization coordinate, organize and encourage productive ties between members of a network? Do you wish to organize activities that help businesses obtain a competitive advantage or gain access to, approach or develop relations with potential buyers or partners?

To find out if this activity is emphasized in your region, contact an advisor from your region's business office. He or she will be able to inform you, advise you or guide you in carrying out your project on the basis of the region's action priorities and availability of Agency funding.

For an immediate overview of the main eligibility criteria, the type of activities that can be supported or the available funding, please consult the following information.


Eligible clients

  • Non-profit organizations
  • Support organizations and business associations involved in economic development coordination
  • Research, training or technology transfer centres and universities

Main analysis criteria

Projects are reviewed based on specific criteria, i.e.:

  • anticipated results of your project;
  • viability of your business or organization;
  • your technical and financial management capacity;
  • partner contributions in financial resources or professional services;
  • level of risk.


Examples of activities

  • Associations, alliances and partnerships
  • Strategy development
  • Networking
  • Consulting and guidance services
  • Information services

Financial assistance

Types of assistance

  • Repayable contribution
  • Non-repayable contribution

Rate of assistance

  • Generally up to 50 percent of authorized costs for SMEs
  • Generally up to 90 percent of authorized costs for NPOs

Authorized costs

All costs directly related to the project, deemed reasonable and essential to its completion. Restrictions may apply in certain cases.

Non-eligible costs

All costs that are non-essential and not directly related to the project.

The following costs in particular are non-eligible:

  • refinancing of an existing debt;
  • depreciation costs;
  • goodwill costs.

Submitting a project

Do you wish to submit a project? For information on project submission and funding application procedures, consult the project submission guide and contact an advisor from the business office in your region.

Current features