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The Diversity Dividend: Canada's Global Advantage Publication Launch and Panel Discussion

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After rigorous due diligence and deliberation by the international jury, the inaugural Global Pluralism Award is proud to announce the 10 finalists! 


About Pluralism

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Pluralism is an umbrella concept for various approaches to inclusive citizenship through mutual respect. Every society must choose its own path. 

Visit 330 Sussex

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The Centre is open to the public for self-guided tours: Wednesdays 5:30 to 7:30pm and Saturdays 1:00 to 3:00pm


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 Statement by the Prime Minister on Imamat Day

 “His spirit of cooperation also led the Aga Khan to establish, in 2006, the Global Centre for Pluralism, in partnership with the Government of Canada, and to choose Ottawa as its headquarters." Read the Statement here >



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Launch of the Ottawa Garden Promenade

The Centre’s Forecourt Garden is a Destination Garden on the Ottawa Garden Promenade. Read more here >


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We are looking for Public Affairs Volunteers

Help us share the Centre’s history and mission with the public during Canada’s 150th celebrations.  Learn more and apply here >



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Re-Examining the Meaning of Education in an Uncertain World

OXSCIE 2017, Oxford Symposium for Comparative and International Education. Watch the Keynotes here>




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Intersections: Practicing Pluralism

Intersections: Practicing Pluralism is a series designed for practitioners. Each paper maps an established field of practice or perspective on diversity to identify potential intersections with pluralism. Read more here >




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Accounting for Change in Diverse Societies: Cases and Themes

Accounting for Change in Diverse Societies is a new publication series from the Global Centre for Pluralism. Recently published Diversity and Democracy in Bolivia, The Spanish Transition Forty Years LaterSecularism Overview and Why did India Choose Pluralism? Read more here >




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The Diversity Dividend: Canada’s Global Advantage

The Centre hosted the launch of the report in partnership with the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and the Centre for International Governance Innovation. Read more here >


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