RC4028 GST/HST New Housing Rebate

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Last update: 2016-01-20

This document is only available in electronic format.

Complete package:
RC4028 GST/HST New Housing Rebate
GST190 New Housing Rebate Application for Houses Purchased from a Builder
GST191 GST/HST New Housing Rebate Application for Owner-Built Houses
GST191-WS Construction Summary Worksheet
RC7190-WS GST190 Calculation Worksheet

Related documents:
RC7190-ON, GST190 Ontario Rebate Schedule
RC7190-BC, GST190 British Columbia Rebate Schedule
RC7190-NS, GST190 Nova Scotia Rebate Schedule
RC7191-ON, GST191 Ontario Rebate Schedule
RC7191-BC, GST191 British Columbia Rebate Schedule
GST192, GST/HST Transitional Rebate Application for Builders of New Housing on Leased Land
GST193, GST/HST Transitional Rebate Application for Purchasers of New Housing

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