Rail Safety Improvement Program

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From Transport Canada

The call for proposals for Infrastructure, Technology and Research (ITR) and Public Education and Awareness (E&A) projects for 2017-18 is now closed.

We are currently accepting applications for ITR projects for 2018-19 funding. The deadline for applications is August 1, 2017.

The Rail Safety Improvement Program (RSIP) provides grant and contribution funding to improve rail safety and reduce injuries and fatalities related to rail transportation. The program funds:

  • safety improvements to existing rail lines
  • closures of grade crossings
  • initiatives to raise awareness about rail safety issues across Canada

This program builds on Transport Canada's Grade Crossing Improvement, Grade Crossing Closure, and Operation Lifesaver Programs.

RSIP has two key components.

  • The Infrastructure, Technology and Research (ITR) Component funds projects that address the immediate rail safety needs of communities.
  • The Public Education and Awareness (E&A) Component funds public education projects aimed at reducing railway-grade crossing collisions and trespassing incidents on railway property, particularly in high-risk areas.

Eligibility for funding

Eligible recipients for both components of this program include:

  • provinces, territories, municipalities, and local governments
  • road/transit authorities and crown corporations
  • for-profit and not-for-profit organizations
  • indigenous groups, communities, and organizations
  • individuals

See the Applicant’s Guide for more information on when and how to apply.

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