News in Review - December 2013 A Look Back at Science and Health 2013

The world of science and health in 2013 gave us a Canadian astronaut who became an international star, while rockets were launched to clean up debris in space. Meanwhile scientists debunked intelligence testing, declared climate change real, and grew meat in a test tube.
  • 2013
  • 00:18:01
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 01/06/2014

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News in Review - February 2014 Addiction and the Food Industry

There is science behind the manufacturing of the foods we eat — science that makes us crave more, eat more, want more. That science is being used every day by the food giants to keep us hooked. They use sugar, salt and liquid fat to make foods as addictive as narcotics. In this report, CBC health reporter Kelly Crowe investigates ...
  • 2014
  • 00:15:24
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 02/15/2014

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Li'l Doc Aerophagia

Why should you always eat slowly and chew your food carefully? Li'l Doc and Geeko describe the discomfort that can come from swallowing too much air!
  • 2019
  • 00:02:31
  • 5-8
  • Added on: 10/22/2020

The Nature of Things Apocalypse Cow: The Mad Cow Story

A cautionary two-part tale about mad cow disease from how it began as a brain disorder of cattle to how it jumped to humans. The show maps the origin of the disease from when it first appeared in cattle in Britain in the 1980s to becoming an epidemic that has reached 80 countries and infected hundreds of people. Part One, ...
  • 2004
  • 01:30:20
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 06/14/2013

Marketplace Are you being served? / Coffee cups update

Are you being served?: Scanning your own groceries, booking your travel, printing your own tickets, selecting your own seats. It’s not just about convenience: we’re doing a lot of work ourselves that companies used to do for us. But while we’re doing the work, are we seeing the savings? - - Coffee cups update: Last fall, we revealed that cups ...
  • 2016
  • 00:21:28
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 08/23/2016

The National As Nunavut struggles with food insecurity, students step up to help feed their peers

Food prices in Canada's north are so high that seven out of 10 young people there go hungry. A Nunavut high school is now trying to fight this food insecurity with a free hot lunch program run by the school's food studies class.
  • 2019
  • 00:04:32
  • 9-12
  • Added on: 05/13/2019

The National Aunt Jemima to rebrand, end use of racist stereotype

The Aunt Jemima brand is based on a racist stereotype, but amid mounting criticism its 131-year history is coming to an end.
  • 2020
  • 00:02:22
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 07/03/2020

Telling Our Twisted Histories Bannock

Flour, baking powder, a pinch of salt and a bit of water. Beloved and delicious, this traditional fry bread is a staple in Indigenous kitchens, but its colonial roots come with serious health repercussions. This episode is a mouth-watering journey decolonizing the word BANNOCK.
  • 2021
  • 00:19:44
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 07/28/2021

We are the Best Beef from Cochrane

Why Alberta's grasslands are the perfect place to raise cattle. Join chef Ricardo Larrivée for a day of feeding the herd on the lush and temperate grasslands of southern Alberta, as he learns where Canadian beef begins.
  • 2017
  • 00:03:05
  • 9-12
  • Added on: 07/28/2017

Marketplace Best before: How supermarkets sell you old food

We rely on best before dates to make sure food is fresh and we don’t get sick. But how reliable are they? Supermarket insiders tell all and share common tricks some grocery stores use to give your favourite foods a second life.
  • 2015
  • 00:22:22
  • 13-14
  • Added on: 01/19/2017

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