Donate. Volunteer. Sponsor.


The ongoing conflict in Syria has triggered the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today.

Many Canadians are asking how they can help. This is a time for Canadians to come together as we open our hearts and communities to welcome refugees to their new home.

All Canadians can help welcome Syrian refugees. You can help make a difference in their lives in a number of different ways – small and large. Get involved!


Canadians can help by donating to organizations in need, both in Canada and abroad.

Donate to help the refugees


Once refugees begin to arrive in your area, you can contact a local organization to see what will be needed most in your community.

Volunteer in your community


You can help those fleeing the crisis in Syria by sponsoring them to come to Canada.

Sponsor a Syrian refugee

What can Canadian businesses do to help?

Canadian businesses can help by offering money, time or jobs to support refugees arriving in Canada. We encourage you and your business to get involved in a variety of ways.

Find out how your business can help

Sponsor Syrian refugees

There are a few ways to sponsor refugees. Find out which way works best for you.

I am a refugee – Halaa

Halaa, a law student, calls the opportunity to come to Canada a dream come true.

Canada: A History of Refuge

Visit our online refugee exhibition to learn more about refugees in Canada.

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