We're revising Canada's food guide. Participate in the consultation process## (link will open in a new window) to help revise Canada's food guide.

Food and nutrition

Find tips for healthy eating, information on food allergies, safety standards and labels. Also learn about recalls and how Canada monitors and measures food consumption.


Healthy eating

Discover Canada's food guides as well as tips for healthy eating and food safety. Also learn about nutrients, nutrition for all ages, and nutrition programs and working groups.

Food labels

Get information on food label requirements and buying food grown or prepared in Canada. Also learn how to understand food labels and report a labelling concern.

Food recalls, risks and outbreaks

Learn about food-borne chemical contaminants and toxins found in plants and animals. Be informed about Canada's role in food safety as well as recalls, alerts and investigations.

Food allergies and intolerances

Learn about food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances, and how to identify common food allergens. Also learn how to avoid an allergic reaction to food.

Meeting food and safety standards

Explore Canada's food and safety standards for imports and exports, production, packaging, distribution and retail. Also know about health claims and pre-market submissions.

Nutrition science and research

Explore how Canada monitors and measures food and nutrient consumption. Also find information on dietary reference intakes, food security, and health and nutrition surveys.

What we are doing


Stay hydrated with water

Learn about the benefits of drinking water.

Consultation on Canada's food guide

Participate in the consultation process to help revise Canada's food guide.

Organic products

Access information on the Organic Products Regulations. Also learn about labelling for these products, national organic standards and Canada's organic certification system.

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