Publications and Reports

The Labour Program publishes a variety of information related to its many activities and responsibilities.

Browse through the categories on this page or search our Publicentre - Publication Search to order or download publications and reports for your use. The LT-XXX-XX-XX publication number will make this search easier.

These publications provide basic information. They are not intended to replace the actual text of the Canada Labour Code and any related regulations. Copies of the Code and the relevant Regulations can be found in most public libraries or on the Department of Justice Laws Website.

Employment Standards (Labour Standards)

The following information is a reproduction of Labour Standards publications which summarize the information contained in Part III of the Canada Labour Code.

While these publications provide basic information, they are not intended to replace the actual text of Part III of the Canada Labour Code, the Canada Labour Standards Regulations and other related regulations.


  • Annual Vacations (LT-030-08-10)
    Information regarding vacation entitlement and pay.
  • Bereavement Leave (LT-033-06-09)
    Information regarding leave entitlements (paid and unpaid) when a family member of an employee dies. Includes the definition of "family member" and the conditions to be met for the employee to be eligible to take this leave.
  • Compassionate Care Leave (LT-172-10-14E)
    Information regarding the ability to take leave of up to 28 weeks to care for a dying family member. Includes the definition of "family member" and the conditions to be met for the employee to be eligible to take this leave.
  • Complaint of Unjust Dismissal (LT-125-08-10)
    Employees who believe that they have been unjustly dismissed by an employer may decide to file a complaint pursuant to Part III of the Canada Labour Code.
  • Critical Illness (LT-263-10-14E)
    Information regarding leave entitlements for an employee whose child is critically ill.
  • Death or Disappearance (LT-264-10-14E)
    Information regarding leave entitlements for an employee whose child has disappeared or died as a result of a probable crime under the Criminal Code.
  • Deductions from Wages (LT-177-06-12E)
    Explains what types of deductions are permitted to be taken from an employee's wages.
  • Filing a Complaint (LT-120-07-14E)
    How to file a complaint with the Labour Program.
  • General Holidays (LT-031-08-10)
    Information including a list of general holidays, entitlement to a paid holiday, special provisions for work on a general holiday and in continuous operations.
  • General Holidays - Continuous Operations (LT-123-06-12E)
    More detailed information specific to general holiday entitlement in operations which are carried on without regard to Sundays or public holidays, such as road transport and broadcasting.
  • Hours of Work (LT-036-08-10)
    General information regarding standard hours after which overtime is payable, as well as maximum weekly hours. Also provides an overview of averaging of hours and modified work schedules.
  • Hours of Work - Motor Transport (LT-040-06-12E)
    Information specific to hours of work for employees in the road transport industry such as bus drivers, city drivers and highway drivers.
  • Keeping of Records (LT-118-08-10)
    Explains the employer's obligations to keep written records and enumerates the type of information required, as well as the length of time the employer is required to retain written records.
  • Maternity-Related Reassignment and Leave, Maternity Leave and Parental Leave (LT-173-10-13E)
    Information regarding the rights of a pregnant employee who feels her job poses a risk to her health or that of her foetus or nursing child (see also our Occupational Health and Safety publication "Pamphlet 5: Pregnant and Nursing Employees"). In addition, provides information on maternity leave provisions, parental leave provisions, and job-related protections surrounding all birth-related leaves under the Canada Labour Code, Part III.
  • Minimum Wages (LT-029-08-10)
    Information regarding minimum wages, including special provision for apprentices, employment under 17 years of age, room and board, and reporting pay.
  • Notice relating to the Canada Labour Code - Part III (LT-138-10-13E)
  • Progressive Discipline (LT-116-03-07)
    Provides information to assist workplace partners in the use of progressive discipline in order to improve performance or behaviour.
  • Reservist Leave (LT-200-06-12E)
    Information about job protection for employees who are members of the reserve force while they are absent from their civilian employment to take part in official military operations or annual training.
  • Sexual Harassment (LT-039-08-10)
    Explains the employer's obligation to institute a sexual harassment policy in the workplace.
  • Sick Leave, Work-Related Illness and Injury Leave and Long-Term Disability Plans (LT-034-10-14E)
    Information regarding sick leave entitlements, length of leave, conditions to be met for eligibility. Also provides general information on the employer's obligation to subscribe to a wage replacement plan that pays at least as much as the provincial workers' compensation plan, as well as return-to-work provisions.
  • Summary of Part III of the Canada Labour Code (LT-136-10-14E)
    Provides a general overview of provisions of the Canada Labour Code, Part III, as well as a description of industries and operations which fall within the federal jurisdiction.
  • Terminations (LT-171-12-12)
    Information on the employer's obligations in terminating an employee, including group termination (termination of 50 or more employees), notice and severance pay, and conditions to be met for the employee to be eligible.
  • Unjust Dismissal (LT-035-06-09)
    Explains the procedure for filing an unjust dismissal complaint, eligibility requirements to be met, and what to expect through the process, including the role of the adjudicator. Case studies are also provided to demonstrate how this legislation has been applied and interpreted in the past.
  • Unjust Dismissal Hearings (LT-127-08-10)
    Part III of the Canada Labour Code provides workers and employers under federal jurisdiction with a simple but effective administrative procedure to resolve unjust dismissal disputes.
  • Unjust Dismissal - A Guide to the Hearing Process (LT-242-05-10)
    A step-by-step guide to representing yourself in an unjust dismissal complaint proceeding under Part III of the Canada Labour Code.
  • Unjust Dismissal - Mediation Process (LT-097-08-10)
    Explains the use of mediation by Labour inspectors to resolve complaints of unjust dismissal.
  • Wage Earner Protection Program (LT-199-02-12)
    Provides a general overview of the program that protects workers' wages.
  • Wage Recovery (LT-038-10-14E)
    Explains provisions for issuance of payment orders or notices of unfounded complaint by inspectors, and the rights of appeal by the affected parties.
  • Wage Recovery – Guide to an Appeal Hearing (LT-241-03-14)
    A step-by-step guide to a wage recovery appeal proceeding. It is intended to help you prepare for your appeal and to understand how the appeal hearing process will take place.


  • Wage Earner Protection Program Act - Five-Year Statutory Review
  • Fairness at Work: Federal Labour Standards for the 21st century (LT-182-10-06E)
    The report contains recommendations for modernizing Canada's labour standards to better meet the needs of today's workers and employers. The Commission for the Review of Federal Labour Standards undertook wide-ranging research and public consultations on workplace issues, including new employment relationships, work-life balance, and the impact of standards on productivity.
  • Federal Jurisdiction Workplace Survey (LT-248-07-11)
    Targeting industries under the jurisdiction of Part III of the Canada Labour Code (e.g. banking, broadcasting, telecommunications and air, rail, road and pipeline transportation), the Federal Jurisdiction Workplace Survey (2008) queried employers about their workforce and workplace policies and reported on these issues: number and type of employers and employees; collective bargaining; working hours; salaries, leaves and non-wage benefits; retirement; working environment; and productivity.

Health and Safety

The following information is a reproduction of Health and Safety publications which summarize the information contained in Part II of the Canada Labour Code.

While these publications provide basic information, they are not intended to replace the actual text of Part II of the Canada Labour Code, the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and other related regulations.

