2016–17 Budgetary Expenditures by Strategic Outcome and Program

Table 1. Budgetary
  2014– Expenditures 2015– Main Estimates 2016– Main Estimates Operating 2016– Main Estimates Capital 2016– Main Estimates Transfer Payments 2016– Main Estimates Revenues and other reductions 2016– Main Estimates Total
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada

Efficient and effective services which support tribunal chairs and members in exercising their statutory responsibilities and ensure that their independence is protected in a manner which promotes Canadians' confidence in the federal tribunal system.

Tribunal Specialized and Expert Support Services

7,845,015 23,749,452 25,655,334 0 0 (4,209,986) 21,445,348

Payments to tribunal chairs and members

4,888,986 17,050,888 21,194,621 0 0 (8,363,807) 12,830,814

Registry Services

3,786,373 8,525,444 12,916,532 0 0 (5,116,807) 7,799,725

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

10,217,101 11,570,246 15,948,649 0 0 0 15,948,649
Total 26,737,475 60,896,030 75,715,136 0 0 (17,690,600) 58,024,536
Agriculture and Agri-Food

A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.

Business Risk Management

1,033,315,991 1,301,429,496 46,991,179 1,111,500 1,258,824,348 (1,000,000) 1,305,927,027

Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems

163,511,328 194,586,263 74,421,965 702,400 96,579,892 0 171,704,257

Farm Products Council of Canada

3,032,055 3,028,779 2,936,170 0 100,000 0 3,036,170

An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.

Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability

575,890,434 537,550,506 351,844,938 64,255,800 166,689,252 (22,000,000) 560,789,990

Industry Capacity

76,204,095 70,990,651 22,497,170 2,047,000 63,482,856 (15,000,000) 73,027,026

Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency

(2,233,091) 0 9,946,000 0 0 (9,946,000) 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

164,270,556 149,502,365 154,615,486 6,633,300 0 (12,000,000) 149,248,786
Total 2,013,991,368 2,257,088,060 663,252,908 74,750,000 1,585,676,348 (59,946,000) 2,263,733,256
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy.

Enterprise Development

173,992,156 171,221,612 25,853,899 0 147,107,782 0 172,961,681

Community Development

90,659,999 89,727,582 11,804,882 0 85,899,711 0 97,704,593

Policy, Advocacy and Coordination

12,444,235 11,774,749 9,587,443 0 2,153,000 0 11,740,443

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

28,176,701 25,861,046 25,790,487 0 0 0 25,790,487
Total 305,273,091 298,584,989 73,036,711 0 235,160,493 0 308,197,204
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

Be the top worldwide nuclear products and services company. Protect the health and safety of the public, our employees and the environment. Minimize nuclear legacy obligations for future generations.

Facilities and Nuclear Operations

0 67,006,000 808,615,589 160,000,000 0 0 968,615,589

Commercial Business

0 17,000,000 0 0 0 0 0

Research and Development

0 35,137,000 0 0 0 0 0

Waste Management and Decommissioning

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 326,743,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 326,743,000 119,143,000 808,615,589 160,000,000 0 0 968,615,589
Auditor General

Through legislative auditing, we contribute to a well-managed and accountable government for Canadians.

Legislative Auditing

81,863,430 78,295,020 81,043,732 0 0 (2,510,000) 78,533,732
Total 81,863,430 78,295,020 81,043,732 0 0 (2,510,000) 78,533,732
Canada Border Services Agency

International trade and travel is facilitated across Canada's border and Canada's population is protected from border-related risks.

Admissibility Determination

982,394,090 949,587,807 795,106,591 105,952,496 0 0 901,059,087

Risk Assessment Program

181,814,888 162,698,196 161,317,373 1,193,159 0 0 162,510,532

Immigration Enforcement

186,711,928 146,023,258 128,229,185 424,888 0 0 128,654,073

Revenue and Trade Management

88,403,795 102,179,578 81,408,200 10,605,175 0 (11,676,890) 80,336,485

Secure and Trusted Partnerships

42,228,468 39,094,941 39,461,542 2,534,614 0 (6,753,110) 35,243,046

Criminal Investigations

37,290,323 26,079,013 33,281,962 66,667 0 0 33,348,629


13,359,832 11,473,302 11,485,183 0 0 0 11,485,183

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

468,941,046 337,078,826 310,180,502 10,222,016 0 0 320,402,518
Total 2,001,144,370 1,774,214,921 1,560,470,538 130,999,015 0 (18,430,000) 1,673,039,553
Canada Council for the Arts

A vibrant and dynamic arts sector in Canada.

Grants and services to support creation, production and dissemination of arts for individuals and organizations

0 162,352,141 162,761,612 0 0 0 162,761,612

Arts promotion to foster public knowledge and appreciation of the Canadian arts and culture

0 8,666,048 9,119,304 0 0 0 9,119,304

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 11,079,198 10,466,471 0 0 0 10,466,471
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 182,224,388 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 182,224,388 182,097,387 182,347,387 0 0 0 182,347,387
Canada Industrial Relations Board

Effective dispute resolution services that support constructive labour management relations in sectors regulated by the Canada Labour Code and professional relations in sectors regulated by the Status of the Artist Act.

Adjudication and Dispute Resolution Program

5,502,428 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

1,985,916 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 7,488,344 0 0 0 0 0 0
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Canadians in need have access to affordable housing.

Funding Under Long-Term Commitments for Existing Social Housing

1,646,446,541 1,689,932,000 1,674,922,048 0 0 0 1,674,922,048

Funding for New Commitments of Affordable Housing

354,019,775 284,352,000 285,866,000 0 0 0 285,866,000

Housing Support

7,647,169 7,962,000 16,025,000 0 0 0 16,025,000

Canada has a stable, competitive and innovative housing system.

Market Analysis Information

23,716,148 24,673,000 27,419,000 0 0 0 27,419,000

Housing Policy, Research and Information Transfer

21,383,430 18,710,000 23,669,000 0 0 0 23,669,000
Total 2,053,213,063 2,025,629,000 2,027,901,048 0 0 0 2,027,901,048
Canada Post Corporation

Compensation for the provision of Parliamentary mail and Materials for the use of the blind services, which are sent free of postage under the Canada Post Corporation Act.

Concessionary Governmental Services

0 22,210,000 22,210,000 0 0 0 22,210,000
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 22,210,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 22,210,000 22,210,000 22,210,000 0 0 0 22,210,000
Canada Revenue Agency

Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canadaʼs revenue base is protected.

Reporting Compliance

1,108,667,741 1,045,193,249 1,065,279,642 1,860,572 0 0 1,067,140,214

Collections, Compliance and Verification

519,837,234 469,453,195 782,915,901 1,000,250 0 (151,864,485) 632,051,666

Assessment of Returns and Payment Processing

640,377,518 614,590,330 521,961,741 9,759,850 0 (28,539,442) 503,182,149

Taxpayer and Business Assistance

292,809,925 280,181,661 331,580,579 1,710,300 128,000,000 (49,004,075) 412,286,804


204,406,362 179,658,662 199,390,877 59,000 0 (13,881,138) 185,568,739

Eligible families and individuals receive timely and accurate benefit payments.

Benefit Programs

351,409,527 375,217,640 144,795,247 1,446,000 289,000,000 (408,744) 434,832,503

Taxpayers and benefit recipients receive an independent and impartial review of their service-related complaints.

Taxpayersʼ Ombudsman

2,614,097 3,198,657 3,235,854 0 0 0 3,235,854

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

940,711,586 837,350,994 888,984,999 21,230,028 0 (62,794,773) 847,420,254
Total 4,060,833,990 3,804,844,388 3,938,144,840 37,066,000 417,000,000 (306,492,657) 4,085,718,183
Canada School of Public Service

Federal public service employees have the common knowledge, skills and competencies to fulfill their responsibilities in serving Canadians.

Learning Services

0 51,113,769 62,098,772 0 0 0 62,098,772

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

27,497,043 19,765,914 21,146,172 0 0 0 21,146,172
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 61,011,969 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 88,509,012 70,879,683 83,244,944 0 0 0 83,244,944
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority

Screening programs at designated Canadian airports protect the travelling public.

Pre-Board Screening

0 292,610,000 313,971,237 37,274,095 0 0 351,245,332

Hold Baggage Screening

0 224,647,347 97,343,061 113,519,759 0 0 210,862,820

Non-Passenger Screening

0 110,320,000 18,722,126 0 0 0 18,722,126

Restricted Area Identity Card

0 1,646,000 2,147,019 30,000 0 0 2,177,019

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 49,197,000 39,245,828 1,752,597 0 0 40,998,425
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 623,896,764 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 623,896,764 678,420,347 471,429,271 152,576,451 0 0 624,005,722
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

A national public broadcasting service exists that is primarily Canadian in content and connects citizens to the Canadian experience.

Television, Radio and Digital Services

0 989,603,427 882,921,706 102,993,490 0 0 985,915,196

Transmission and Distribution of Programs

0 43,015,695 39,040,774 7,723,510 0 0 46,764,284

Specialty Channels for Specific Audiences

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 5,404,676 5,344,318 0 0 0 5,344,318
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 1,038,023,798 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,038,023,798 1,038,023,798 927,306,798 110,717,000 0 0 1,038,023,798
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Improved workplace conditions and practices that enhance the health, safety, and well-being of working Canadians.

Occupational health and safety information development, delivery services and tripartite collaboration

1,846,820 2,259,188 6,141,291 0 0 0 6,141,291

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

2,839,118 2,811,081 2,811,081 0 0 0 2,811,081
Total 4,685,938 5,070,269 8,952,372 0 0 0 8,952,372
Canadian Commercial Corporation

Enhanced market access for Canadian exporters to complex international public sector markets.


0 8,880,000 3,510,000 0 0 0 3,510,000

Emerging and Developing Markets

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 14,240,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 14,240,000 8,880,000 3,510,000 0 0 0 3,510,000
Canadian Dairy Commission

To enhance the vitality of the Canadian dairy industry for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Administer milk supply management system

3,884,137 3,605,377 3,599,617 0 0 0 3,599,617
Total 3,884,137 3,605,377 3,599,617 0 0 0 3,599,617
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

High quality and timely environmental assessments of major projects to protect the environment and support economic growth.

Environmental Assessment Delivery Program

13,552,979 9,476,761 24,820,743 0 4,715,000 (7,806,000) 21,729,743

Environmental Assessment Policy Program

4,141,055 3,117,153 4,082,432 0 0 (150,000) 3,932,432

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

12,063,055 4,757,956 5,293,860 0 0 (45,000) 5,248,860
Total 29,757,089 17,351,870 34,197,035 0 4,715,000 (8,001,000) 30,911,035
Canadian Food Inspection Agency

A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base.

Food Safety Program

421,520,442 362,958,350 311,455,503 53,127,435 0 0 364,582,938

Animal Health and Zoonotics Program

162,039,970 113,659,211 117,693,167 16,026,127 3,443,750 0 137,163,044

Plant Resources Program

90,262,195 76,204,256 76,743,046 16,325,804 300,000 0 93,368,850

International Collaboration and Technical Agreements

40,718,768 30,000,919 30,470,226 0 575,250 0 31,045,476

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

133,951,514 115,329,152 105,984,124 7,594,733 0 0 113,578,857
Total 848,492,889 698,151,888 642,346,066 93,074,099 4,319,000 0 739,739,165
Canadian Grain Commission

Canada's grain is safe, reliable and marketable and Canadian grain producers are properly compensated for grain deliveries to licensed grain companies.

Grain Quality Research Program

8,277,393 5,230,177 9,785,958 0 0 (4,649,034) 5,136,924

Quality Assurance Program

(38,302,367) 0 28,835,016 0 0 (28,835,016) 0

Quantity Assurance Program

(3,957,868) 0 1,915,901 0 0 (1,915,901) 0

Producer Protection Program

2,211,578 0 3,861,205 0 0 (3,861,205) 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

14,858,918 245,000 17,351,752 0 0 (17,106,752) 245,000
Total (16,912,346) 5,475,177 61,749,832 0 0 (56,367,908) 5,381,924
Canadian Heritage

Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity.

Official Languages

356,997,714 353,365,541 16,529,436 0 337,195,121 0 353,724,557

Attachment to Canada

86,818,481 86,572,642 26,988,897 0 125,155,619 (1,970,000) 150,174,516

Engagement and Community Participation

42,198,321 48,361,058 32,871,688 0 30,575,095 (3,000,000) 60,446,783

Canadian artistic expressions and cultural contentare created and accessible at home and abroad.

Cultural Industries

295,742,756 302,493,050 25,765,908 0 280,847,107 (4,150,000) 302,463,015


113,900,585 116,713,634 14,563,447 0 102,088,000 0 116,651,447


31,563,243 29,785,074 17,490,398 0 15,739,964 (700,000) 32,530,362

Canadians participate and excel in sport.


470,497,662 243,877,515 12,066,786 0 194,180,064 0 206,246,850

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

84,136,545 73,528,047 74,000,758 0 0 (1,732,810) 72,267,948
Total 1,481,855,307 1,254,696,561 220,277,318 0 1,085,780,970 (11,552,810) 1,294,505,478
Canadian High Arctic Research Station

Canada has world-class Arctic science and technology to support the development and stewardship of Canada's North and is recognized as a leader on circumpolar research issues.

Science and Technology for the North

0 0 5,914,282 0 7,765,000 0 13,679,282

Polar Knowledge Application

0 0 1,027,760 0 1,966,000 0 2,993,760

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 0 2,802,232 0 0 0 2,802,232
Total 0 0 9,744,274 0 9,731,000 0 19,475,274
Canadian Human Rights Commission

Equality of opportunity and respect for human rights.

Human Rights Program

0 14,645,923 15,371,307 0 0 0 15,371,307

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

6,989,399 7,516,495 7,852,865 0 0 (1,075,000) 6,777,865
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 16,229,763 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 23,219,162 22,162,418 23,224,172 0 0 (1,075,000) 22,149,172
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

Individuals have access, as determined by the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Employment Equity Act, to fair and equitable adjudication of human rights and employment equity cases that are brought before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

Hearings of complaints before the Tribunal

1,362,055 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

1,106,618 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2,468,673 0 0 0 0 0 0
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Canada is a world leader in the creation, dissemination and application of health research knowledge.

Investigator-Initiated Health Research

726,255,103 702,437,354 11,768,023 0 680,671,198 0 692,439,221

Priority-Driven Health Research

287,739,903 294,098,401 13,306,895 0 291,668,022 0 304,974,917

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

3,284,376 12,048,244 28,205,865 0 0 0 28,205,865
Total 1,017,279,382 1,008,583,999 53,280,783 0 972,339,220 0 1,025,620,003
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat

Senior-level intergovernmental conference services are professionally and successfully delivered.

Conference Services

3,508,894 4,141,822 4,163,437 0 0 0 4,163,437

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

1,660,593 1,825,719 1,811,533 0 0 0 1,811,533
Total 5,169,487 5,967,541 5,974,970 0 0 0 5,974,970
Canadian International Trade Tribunal

Fair, timely and transparent disposition of international trade cases, procurement cases and government-mandated inquiries within the Tribunalʼs jurisdiction.

Adjudication of Trade Cases (quasi-judicial role)

4,236,127 0 0 0 0 0 0

General Economic Inquiries and References (advisory role)

57,245 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

1,431,124 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 5,724,496 0 0 0 0 0 0
Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Enhanced knowledge of human rights, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, in order to enhance the publicʼs understanding of human rights, to promote respect for others and to encourage reflection and dialogue.

Museum Content and Program

0 11,510,000 10,200,000 0 0 0 10,200,000

Stewardship and Corporate Management

0 4,650,000 6,250,000 0 0 0 6,250,000


0 5,540,000 5,250,000 0 0 0 5,250,000
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 21,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 21,700,000 21,700,000 21,700,000 0 0 0 21,700,000
Canadian Museum of History

Interest in, knowledge of and appreciation and respect for human cultural achievements and human behaviour through collections of historical and cultural objects, exhibitions, programs and research reflecting a Canadian perspective.


0 33,622,000 24,970,000 2,500,000 0 0 27,470,000

Exhibit, Educate and Communicate

0 35,229,000 24,764,000 0 0 0 24,764,000

Collect and Research

0 13,140,000 12,650,000 0 0 0 12,650,000

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 1,378,477 1,315,477 0 0 0 1,315,477
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 68,923,716 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 68,923,716 83,369,477 63,699,477 2,500,000 0 0 66,199,477
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

Canadians are engaged in building and exploring the stories, themes and history of Canadian immigration as it continues to unfold.


0 2,622,700 2,700,000 0 0 0 2,700,000

Visitor Experience and Connections

0 2,583,350 2,509,700 0 0 0 2,509,700

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 2,493,950 2,490,300 0 0 0 2,490,300
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 9,900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9,900,000 7,700,000 7,700,000 0 0 0 7,700,000
Canadian Museum of Nature

Interest in, knowledge of and appreciation and respect for the natural world through collections of natural history objects, public education programmes and research reflecting a special but not exclusive perspective on Canada.

Buildings and grounds

0 10,206,683 10,620,872 0 0 0 10,620,872

Inspiration and engagement

0 6,460,656 6,097,324 0 0 0 6,097,324

Research and discovery

0 3,458,090 3,429,884 0 0 0 3,429,884

Collections care and access

0 1,733,237 1,803,938 0 0 0 1,803,938

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 4,270,446 4,177,094 0 0 0 4,177,094
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 26,276,818 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 26,276,818 26,129,112 26,129,112 0 0 0 26,129,112
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all Northerners.

Economic Development

38,684,842 40,496,412 1,684,687 0 16,423,487 0 18,108,174

Policy and Alignment

3,955,430 4,857,866 2,013,466 0 0 0 2,013,466

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

6,480,289 5,314,388 6,111,811 0 0 0 6,111,811
Total 49,120,561 50,668,666 9,809,964 0 16,423,487 0 26,233,451
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canadaʼs nuclear regulatory regime.

Nuclear Reactors

0 38,370,191 39,242,207 0 0 0 39,242,207

Scientific, Technical, Regulatory and Public Information

0 26,283,818 25,070,929 0 1,770,000 0 26,840,929

Nuclear Substances and Prescribed Equipment

0 11,891,601 12,161,854 0 0 0 12,161,854

Nuclear Fuel Cycle

0 11,523,104 11,784,983 0 0 0 11,784,983

Nuclear Non-Proliferation

0 6,299,582 6,442,749 0 0 0 6,442,749

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

42,402,554 38,811,449 39,693,494 0 0 0 39,693,494
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 95,737,015 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 138,139,569 133,179,745 134,396,216 0 1,770,000 0 136,166,216
Canadian Polar Commission

Increased Canadian polar knowledge.

Research Facilitation and Communication

2,049,937 2,087,258 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

305,330 486,827 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2,355,267 2,574,085 0 0 0 0 0
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Canadians have access to a world-class communication system.

Protection within the Communication System

5,076,181 5,276,902 11,107,795 0 0 (5,955,790) 5,152,005

Connection to the Communication System

2,084,716 2,424,184 19,726,258 0 0 (17,184,045) 2,542,213

Canadian Content Creation

1,535,438 2,074,812 15,102,446 0 0 (13,116,212) 1,986,234

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

2,749,827 2,480,992 13,872,284 0 0 (11,429,041) 2,443,243
Total 11,446,162 12,256,890 59,808,783 0 0 (47,685,088) 12,123,695
Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Intelligence is used to protect the security and safety of Canada and its citizens.

Intelligence Program

472,027,300 492,461,267 524,459,826 0 0 0 524,459,826

Security Screening Program

43,248,278 44,575,978 47,609,240 0 0 0 47,609,240
Total 515,275,578 537,037,245 572,069,066 0 0 0 572,069,066
Canadian Space Agency

Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information.

Space Data, Information and Services

175,496,334 259,609,001 37,257,716 171,436,000 6,392,000 0 215,085,716

Space Exploration

97,329,795 112,407,879 87,534,361 10,496,456 1,407,000 0 99,437,817

Future Canadian Space Capacity

58,018,955 66,268,193 26,526,200 1,619,000 37,949,000 0 66,094,200

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

45,245,854 45,143,208 43,216,088 8,561,000 0 0 51,777,088
Total 376,090,938 483,428,281 194,534,365 192,112,456 45,748,000 0 432,394,821
Canadian Tourism Commission

Canadian economy benefits from strong tourism demand from Canadian Tourism Commission's (CTC) markets.

Marketing and Sales

0 44,851,770 60,680,457 0 0 0 60,680,457

Tourism Research and Communications

0 3,277,000 2,238,243 0 0 0 2,238,243

Experiential Product Development

0 1,042,000 952,008 0 0 0 952,008

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 8,805,000 6,605,062 0 0 0 6,605,062
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 57,975,770 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 57,975,770 57,975,770 70,475,770 0 0 0 70,475,770
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board

Independent investigations into transportation occurrences contribute to making the transportation system safer.

Aviation occurrence investigations

14,990,356 12,537,059 12,831,845 0 0 0 12,831,845

Rail occurrence investigations

6,146,776 5,332,576 5,868,756 0 0 0 5,868,756

Marine occurrence investigations

4,934,356 4,902,097 5,089,370 0 0 0 5,089,370

Pipeline occurrence investigations

283,717 600,535 277,784 0 0 0 277,784

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

5,864,126 6,357,532 5,720,897 0 0 0 5,720,897
Total 32,219,331 29,729,799 29,788,652 0 0 0 29,788,652
Canadian Transportation Agency

Transparent, fair and timely dispute resolution and economic regulation of the national transportation system.

Economic Regulation

11,306,027 11,814,081 11,315,866 0 0 0 11,315,866

Adjudication and Alternative Dispute Resolution

10,984,842 10,052,252 9,253,556 0 0 0 9,253,556

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

6,486,980 5,867,071 7,222,665 0 0 0 7,222,665
Total 28,777,849 27,733,404 27,792,087 0 0 0 27,792,087
Chief Electoral Officer

An Accessible Electoral Framework that Canadians Trust and Use.

Electoral Operations

90,292,796 277,113,580 45,743,386 0 0 0 45,743,386

Regulation of Electoral Activities

18,101,587 79,015,382 10,756,805 0 900,000 0 11,656,805

Electoral Engagement

8,261,985 8,060,043 9,059,837 0 0 0 9,059,837

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

34,110,007 31,770,812 32,075,233 0 0 0 32,075,233
Total 150,766,375 395,959,817 97,635,261 0 900,000 0 98,535,261
Citizenship and Immigration

Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society.

Newcomer Settlement and Integration

1,010,190,212 1,014,017,140 34,744,013 297,000 1,138,985,439 0 1,174,026,452

Citizenship for Newcomers and All Canadians

82,983,275 68,062,779 62,018,218 0 0 0 62,018,218

Multiculturalism for Newcomers and All Canadians

6,771,604 13,049,066 3,578,945 0 8,521,316 0 12,100,261

Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy.

Temporary Economic Residents

28,817,691 24,278,038 63,007,769 0 0 (9,937,812) 53,069,957

Permanent Economic Residents

81,907,913 99,145,934 44,243,952 0 0 0 44,243,952

Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted.

Family and Discretionary Immigration

39,557,058 37,572,058 36,932,907 0 0 0 36,932,907

Refugee Protection

29,926,000 30,059,852 28,013,358 0 0 0 28,013,358

Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians.

Migration Control and Security Management

104,056,335 124,537,482 143,923,960 7,416,932 3,000,000 0 154,340,892

Health Protection

31,042,845 63,217,689 75,135,278 0 0 0 75,135,278

Canadian Influence in International Migration and Integration Agenda

5,896,698 5,177,541 4,060,506 0 1,848,450 0 5,908,956


(287,387,229) (202,153,477) 482,010,132 0 0 (666,218,000) (184,207,868)

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

226,988,706 187,702,906 183,257,055 5,992,809 0 0 189,249,864
Total 1,360,751,108 1,464,667,008 1,160,926,093 13,706,741 1,152,355,205 (676,155,812) 1,650,832,227
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Public Confidence in the RCMP.

Civilian review of RCMP membersʼ conduct in the performance of their duties

6,181,112 6,307,346 6,317,800 0 0 0 6,317,800

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

3,418,859 3,704,377 3,710,517 0 0 0 3,710,517
Total 9,599,971 10,011,723 10,028,317 0 0 0 10,028,317
Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs

An independent and efficient Federal Judiciary.

Payments Pursuant to the Judges Act

505,689,613 514,430,443 544,838,708 0 0 0 544,838,708

Federal Judicial Affairs

8,130,290 7,994,262 8,179,536 0 0 (275,000) 7,904,536

Canadian Judicial Council

3,073,719 1,699,615 1,704,209 0 0 0 1,704,209

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

726,804 726,800 726,800 0 0 0 726,800
Total 517,620,426 524,851,120 555,449,253 0 0 (275,000) 555,174,253
Communications Security Establishment

Foreign signals intelligence and technical security capabilities advance and protect Canada's vital interests.

Signals Intelligence

609,194,573 388,225,246 420,929,869 0 0 0 420,929,869

Information Technology (IT) Security

247,238,665 149,976,484 163,694,949 0 0 (1,000,000) 162,694,949
Total 856,433,238 538,201,730 584,624,818 0 0 (1,000,000) 583,624,818
Copyright Board

Fair decision-making to provide proper incentives for the creation and use of copyrighted works.

Copyright Tariff Setting and Issuance of Licences

2,486,300 2,519,678 2,520,496 0 0 0 2,520,496

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

583,206 591,035 591,228 0 0 0 591,228
Total 3,069,506 3,110,713 3,111,724 0 0 0 3,111,724
Correctional Service of Canada

The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety.


1,686,218,075 1,501,862,617 1,332,472,729 174,875,808 4,820,000 0 1,512,168,537

Correctional Interventions

452,349,073 410,155,772 499,538,593 1,490,500 0 (92,605,292) 408,423,801

Community Supervision

125,590,617 129,857,404 133,143,443 4,114,073 0 0 137,257,516

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

311,070,547 308,613,133 299,510,882 5,231,343 0 0 304,742,225
Total 2,575,228,312 2,350,488,926 2,264,665,647 185,711,724 4,820,000 (92,605,292) 2,362,592,079
Courts Administration Service

The public has timely and fair access to the litigation processes of the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada.

Judicial Services

21,961,589 23,176,362 27,994,392 0 0 0 27,994,392

Registry Services

25,696,130 23,937,466 24,278,931 0 0 0 24,278,931

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

21,492,687 16,838,759 20,078,320 0 0 0 20,078,320
Total 69,150,406 63,952,587 72,351,643 0 0 0 72,351,643
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Quebec's regions have a growing economy.

Business Development

146,564,462 151,677,176 17,037,784 0 141,758,960 0 158,796,744

Strengthening Community Economies

55,328,034 53,720,902 4,821,254 0 82,823,018 0 87,644,272

Regional Economic Development

34,133,620 35,237,511 3,011,118 0 35,439,740 0 38,450,858

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

17,871,800 20,446,605 18,228,067 0 0 0 18,228,067
Total 253,897,916 261,082,194 43,098,223 0 260,021,718 0 303,119,941
Employment and Social Development

Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.

Income Security

44,481,738,204 46,624,099,750 322,770,057 0 48,871,846,856 (151,763,197) 49,042,853,716

Social Development

2,939,900,967 3,081,658,183 36,796,116 0 7,896,416,737 0 7,933,212,853

A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market.


2,555,956,846 2,391,384,094 155,164,752 0 2,323,901,134 0 2,479,065,886

Skills and Employment

1,528,534,409 1,706,013,120 954,086,443 0 1,482,091,605 (742,871,113) 1,693,306,935

Safe, fair and productive workplaces and cooperative workplace relations.


127,308,633 160,715,470 225,517,615 0 50,958,000 (115,235,000) 161,240,615

Government-wide service excellence.

Service Network Supporting Government Departments

0 56,013,514 59,958,885 0 0 (8,826,288) 51,132,597

Delivery of Services for Other Government of Canada Programs

0 22,389,992 164,172,167 0 0 (140,753,671) 23,418,496

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

274,202,887 223,261,993 860,183,573 0 0 (606,532,863) 253,650,710
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 297,115,226 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 52,204,757,172 54,265,536,116 2,778,649,608 0 60,625,214,332 (1,765,982,132) 61,637,881,808
Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation

A competitive and sustainable Cape Breton economy.

Property Development

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Commercial Development

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Community Development

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Policy and Advocacy

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Environmental Stewardship

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Human Resource Obligations

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Regional Service Delivery

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 9,865,841 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9,865,841 0 0 0 0 0 0

Canadaʼs natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations.

Biodiversity – Wildlife and Habitat

140,408,483 122,779,285 67,979,573 5,484,230 67,445,038 (2,996,150) 137,912,691

Sustainable Ecosystems

72,619,888 91,480,613 78,301,711 879,715 22,741,349 (13,896,036) 88,026,739

Water Resources

92,453,058 95,770,859 90,065,335 11,008,529 404,158 (21,442,999) 80,035,023

Compliance Promotion and Enforcement – Wildlife

17,058,497 16,115,510 16,644,199 127,588 0 (119,358) 16,652,429

Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized.

Climate Change and Clean Air

121,061,134 122,872,074 35,276,707 5,094,531 57,237,851 (578,640) 97,030,449

Substances and Waste Management

86,779,805 85,149,099 75,364,447 2,841,938 1,322,179 (4,615,579) 74,912,985

Compliance Promotion and Enforcement – Pollution

42,309,866 37,560,222 33,791,550 1,011,924 0 (130,946) 34,672,528

Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, waterand climate conditions.

Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians

174,493,294 192,103,008 144,383,461 31,601,720 5,152,935 (6,755,438) 174,382,678

Weather and Environmental Services for Targeted Users

25,886,657 15,792,293 52,971,888 1,733,700 0 (35,438,204) 19,267,384

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

203,115,955 181,428,113 181,063,119 755,507 0 (2,622,334) 179,196,292
Total 976,186,637 961,051,076 775,841,990 60,539,382 154,303,510 (88,595,684) 902,089,198
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy.

Technological Innovation

9,298,340 91,786,705 2,211,062 0 89,870,018 0 92,081,080

Community Economic Development

27,689,452 41,264,851 4,454,135 0 62,442,010 0 66,896,145

Business Development

49,467,300 66,123,559 5,403,739 0 53,167,843 0 58,571,582

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

17,648,051 16,076,604 16,899,045 0 0 0 16,899,045
Total 104,103,143 215,251,719 28,967,981 0 205,479,871 0 234,447,852

A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians.

Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs

61,902,703,494 63,809,601,256 1,490,538 0 66,482,746,634 0 66,484,237,172

Treasury and Financial Affairs

23,600,697,770 25,726,000,000 22,878,000,000 0 0 0 22,878,000,000

Economic and Fiscal Policy Framework

124,886,930 70,864,539 60,405,111 0 35,000 0 60,440,111

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

54,866,622 39,931,317 41,265,227 0 0 (150,000) 41,115,227
Total 85,683,154,816 89,646,397,112 22,981,160,876 0 66,482,781,634 (150,000) 89,463,792,510
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada

A Canadian financial system resistant to money laundering and terrorist financing.

Financial Intelligence Program

20,873,133 21,083,994 27,127,113 0 0 0 27,127,113

Compliance Program

21,678,510 22,060,798 22,259,185 0 0 0 22,259,185

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

8,852,787 7,305,388 7,310,764 0 0 0 7,310,764
Total 51,404,430 50,450,180 56,697,062 0 0 0 56,697,062
Fisheries and Oceans

Safe and Secure Waters.

Fleet Operational Readiness

474,005,854 679,602,143 399,085,479 486,419,737 0 (21,987,400) 863,517,816

Shore-Based Asset Readiness

100,195,337 108,148,093 93,834,926 19,755,985 0 (12,423,200) 101,167,711

Marine Communications and Traffic Services

45,194,295 33,337,572 34,145,884 0 0 (44,300) 34,101,584

Search and Rescue Services

35,840,130 30,508,166 26,092,840 0 5,521,000 0 31,613,840

Hydrographic Products and Services

30,287,492 27,983,471 28,007,516 1,200,000 220,500 0 29,428,016

Canadian Coast Guard College

14,551,816 13,063,489 14,796,266 0 0 (1,700,000) 13,096,266

Maritime Security

7,320,573 8,477,162 8,491,010 0 0 0 8,491,010

Ocean Forecasting

17,201,935 8,476,473 8,448,792 0 15,000 0 8,463,792

Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries.

Small Craft Harbours

104,489,712 114,501,031 63,997,050 212,653,364 1,000,000 0 277,650,414

Integrated Fisheries Management

136,798,429 132,058,128 124,626,145 3,544,124 6,000 0 128,176,269

Aboriginal Strategies and Governance

88,845,466 85,549,894 13,626,694 0 42,607,946 0 56,234,640

Marine Navigation

50,624,156 41,828,751 58,048,027 0 0 (11,759,700) 46,288,327

Salmonid Enhancement Program

30,938,311 29,421,364 28,496,464 0 962,000 0 29,458,464

Sustainable Aquaculture Program

24,747,548 27,854,324 27,951,814 0 0 0 27,951,814

International Engagement

14,848,021 12,105,833 12,594,340 0 1,416,590 0 14,010,930

Aquatic Animal Health

6,108,151 5,503,416 5,515,751 0 0 0 5,515,751

Biotechnology and Genomics

3,676,552 3,379,708 3,382,084 0 0 0 3,382,084

Territorial Delineation

1,574,650 1,593,377 1,625,067 0 0 0 1,625,067

Climate Change Adaptation Program

2,081,064 2,393,994 0 0 0 0 0

Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems.

Compliance and Enforcement

106,007,941 102,911,820 101,933,201 1,387,000 0 0 103,320,201

Fisheries Protection

60,892,985 59,284,200 52,091,574 0 11,029,728 0 63,121,302

Oceans Management

43,144,082 46,666,258 38,318,208 40,000 1,844,500 0 40,202,708

Species at Risk

20,730,807 14,616,829 22,534,830 0 0 0 22,534,830

Environmental Response Services

18,887,268 16,965,722 17,926,048 0 0 0 17,926,048

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

297,974,714 283,009,130 228,228,101 84,654,887 887,717 0 313,770,705
Total 1,736,967,289 1,889,240,348 1,413,798,111 809,655,097 65,510,981 (47,914,600) 2,241,049,589
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages.

International Development

0 2,491,018,462 84,691,784 0 2,247,338,971 0 2,332,030,755

International Humanitarian Assistance

0 390,590,204 6,354,832 0 555,370,490 0 561,725,322

International Security and Democratic Development

0 377,802,527 25,492,371 0 211,961,568 0 237,453,939

Canadaʼs International Agenda - The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values.

Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements

1,030,998,272 905,984,385 225,435,563 50,000 728,283,625 (4,000,000) 949,769,188

Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy

86,002,990 74,932,448 79,319,635 3,210 795,915 0 80,118,760

Canadaʼs Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities.

Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services

766,727,807 603,804,538 582,951,640 121,826,126 0 (36,925,000) 667,852,766

Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad

198,792,503 195,598,665 203,620,216 0 0 0 203,620,216

International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians - Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services.

International Commerce

169,728,804 170,922,571 166,617,200 289,800 30,925,982 (3,050,000) 194,782,982

Consular Services and Emergency Management

52,028,661 45,337,728 56,262,000 0 0 (4,250,000) 52,012,000

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

256,272,063 270,825,672 233,649,885 2,275,084 250,000 0 236,174,969
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 3,378,793,057 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 5,939,344,157 5,526,817,200 1,664,395,126 124,444,220 3,774,926,551 (48,225,000) 5,515,540,897
Governor General

The Governor General, representing The Queen in Canada, is enabled to fulfill constitutional, state, ceremonial and public duties.

Governor General Support

14,693,687 13,981,917 15,679,814 0 573,620 0 16,253,434

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

6,167,353 6,149,200 6,892,000 0 0 0 6,892,000
Total 20,861,040 20,131,117 22,571,814 0 573,620 0 23,145,434

First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status.

Supplementary Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit

1,075,694,038 1,128,474,836 1,103,697,105 0 210,928,523 (134,623,748) 1,180,001,880

First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care

870,774,017 809,838,696 224,959,455 2,412,112 621,858,728 (5,450,000) 843,780,295

Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit

640,190,204 635,463,846 36,604,498 1,912,137 645,276,337 0 683,792,972

Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians.

Health Products

166,617,222 148,110,784 239,233,834 0 8,580,000 (101,808,538) 146,005,296

Substance Use and Abuse

69,339,368 86,731,215 61,252,752 195,000 26,350,014 0 87,797,766

Environmental Risks to Health

97,967,114 100,282,109 71,600,978 1,300,000 0 (56,400) 72,844,578

Food Safety and Nutrition

66,365,087 67,838,730 65,447,778 3,115,000 0 0 68,562,778


44,319,169 40,190,336 47,013,976 200,000 0 (6,975,000) 40,238,976

Consumer Product and Workplace Hazardous Materials

34,325,604 37,689,337 37,366,015 650,000 0 (454,000) 37,562,015

Radiation Protection

20,709,033 20,282,587 17,872,978 1,140,000 0 (5,864,000) 13,148,978

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Canadian Health System Policy

334,273,289 260,390,118 24,920,921 0 235,945,780 0 260,866,701

Official Language Minority Community Development

36,653,712 37,528,856 1,693,638 0 36,400,000 0 38,093,638

Specialized Health Services

13,650,940 19,133,053 42,025,043 0 0 (23,339,526) 18,685,517

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

343,595,169 266,815,846 260,176,781 14,483,000 0 (9,436,234) 265,223,547
Total 3,814,473,966 3,658,770,349 2,233,865,752 25,407,249 1,785,339,382 (288,007,446) 3,756,604,937
House of Commons

Effective administrative and professional supportfor Members, both individually and collectively, in their roles as legislators and representatives of 338 constituencies, in the Chamber, in committee and in caucus.

Members and House Officers

245,268,531 269,774,379 299,496,538 0 884,932 (19,000) 300,362,470

House Administration

176,559,271 173,674,713 164,053,936 0 53,617 (842,240) 163,265,313
Total 421,827,802 443,449,092 463,550,474 0 938,549 (861,240) 463,627,783
Immigration and Refugee Board

Resolve immigration and refugee cases before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.

Refugee Protection

49,291,278 46,343,210 42,860,946 0 0 0 42,860,946

Refugee Appeal

10,865,389 13,725,196 16,219,236 0 0 0 16,219,236

Immigration Appeal

14,863,181 15,099,168 15,718,195 0 0 0 15,718,195

Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews

11,316,805 8,827,134 11,100,604 0 0 0 11,100,604

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

33,413,380 28,714,783 28,603,685 0 0 0 28,603,685
Total 119,750,033 112,709,491 114,502,666 0 0 0 114,502,666
Indian Affairs and Northern Development

The People – Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit.


1,788,854,310 1,779,502,873 27,670,141 0 1,827,802,777 0 1,855,472,918

Social Development

1,733,443,753 1,711,936,209 14,853,344 0 1,749,507,454 0 1,764,360,798

Residential Schools Resolution

492,880,678 441,605,934 165,991,965 0 0 0 165,991,965

First Nations Individual Affairs

28,426,563 25,732,113 19,996,907 639,000 8,275,713 0 28,911,620

The Government – Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous peoples.

Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties

749,933,655 740,282,191 21,703,583 0 784,924,835 0 806,628,418

Rights and Interests of Indigenous Peoples

173,531,547 868,880,226 33,474,531 0 453,972,709 0 487,447,240

Governance and Institutions of Government

422,226,591 389,416,006 40,330,891 0 356,840,001 0 397,170,892

The Land and Economy – Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non-Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy.

Infrastructure and Capacity

1,266,710,553 1,252,453,270 28,435,903 180,000 1,184,083,461 0 1,212,699,364

Community Economic Development

218,047,705 213,382,395 57,221,081 300,000 152,053,230 0 209,574,311

Indigenous Entrepreneurship

43,027,380 42,637,318 6,186,070 0 36,450,000 0 42,636,070

Strategic Partnerships

33,668,724 39,586,727 7,883,926 0 31,700,000 0 39,583,926

Urban Indigenous Participation

49,520,444 53,457,622 2,332,946 0 27,313,051 0 29,645,997

The North – Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North.

Northern Governance and People

146,407,862 150,430,663 16,346,904 0 118,547,393 0 134,894,297

Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management

212,493,747 195,493,907 45,237,987 170,067 13,206,699 0 58,614,753

Northern Science and Technology

40,827,871 48,961,314 5,093,927 38,855,112 3,873,028 0 47,822,067

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

291,651,755 233,659,100 223,519,504 1,288,000 0 (710,000) 224,097,504
Total 7,691,653,138 8,187,417,868 716,279,610 41,432,179 6,748,550,351 (710,000) 7,505,552,140
Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Disclosure and recognition of the truth regarding Indian Residential Schools furthers healing and reconciliation for the individuals and communities affected.

Truth and Reconciliation

4,205,100 2,663,458 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

1,789,637 996,700 0 0 0 0 0
Total 5,994,737 3,660,158 0 0 0 0 0

Advancements in science and technology, knowledge, and innovation strengthen the Canadian economy.

Science, Technology and Innovation Capacity

313,406,525 304,380,758 9,884,370 0 332,950,000 0 342,834,370

Industrial Research and Development Financing

220,998,346 287,630,154 10,422,504 0 316,476,347 0 326,898,851

Canadian businesses and communities are competitive.

Community Economic Development

83,737,927 150,391,867 14,151,044 53,000 128,175,250 0 142,379,294

Small Business Research, Financing and Services

91,428,836 86,766,345 12,745,630 0 84,908,000 0 97,653,630

Industrial Competitiveness and Capacity

31,303,194 34,249,228 34,316,964 0 0 0 34,316,964

The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive.

Spectrum, Telecommunications, and the Digital Economy

123,580,592 109,811,139 108,201,898 5,660,000 4,893,000 (12,469,000) 106,285,898

Marketplace Frameworks and Regulation

50,785,898 56,111,095 269,194,736 818,000 2,490,080 (205,559,569) 66,943,247

Marketplace Competition and Investments

48,628,660 47,089,170 56,863,535 200,000 0 (10,500,000) 46,563,535

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

133,544,518 94,072,400 156,296,881 1,102,000 0 (24,200,000) 133,198,881
Total 1,097,414,496 1,170,502,156 672,077,562 7,833,000 869,892,677 (252,728,569) 1,297,074,670
International Development Research Centre

Stronger capacity in developing countries to research and propose solutions that support sustainable and equitable development and poverty reduction.

Research on Development Challenges

0 126,930,197 96,764,244 0 0 0 96,764,244

Capacity to Do, Use and Manage Research

0 38,214,480 36,360,959 0 0 0 36,360,959

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 18,333,565 16,080,422 0 0 0 16,080,422
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 190,023,783 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 190,023,783 183,478,242 149,205,625 0 0 0 149,205,625
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)

Prompt and effective prevention and/or resolution of potential disputes under the Boundary Water Treaty and Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement to ensure they have no negative impact on Canada-US relations.

Boundary Waters Treaty

4,905,212 4,850,044 4,852,047 0 0 0 4,852,047

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

1,859,740 1,911,000 1,920,020 0 0 0 1,920,020
Total 6,764,952 6,761,044 6,772,067 0 0 0 6,772,067

A Fair, Relevant and Accessible Canadian Justice System.

Stewardship of the Canadian Legal Framework

383,759,270 393,390,464 35,257,919 0 365,233,777 0 400,491,696

Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

1,080,164 1,320,994 1,324,227 0 0 0 1,324,227

A Federal Government that is Supported by High Quality Legal Services.

Legal Services to Government Program

208,762,406 192,604,324 469,619,747 0 0 (270,000,000) 199,619,747

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

115,249,778 86,551,092 103,624,860 0 0 (26,200,000) 77,424,860
Total 708,851,618 673,866,874 609,826,753 0 365,233,777 (296,200,000) 678,860,530
Library and Archives of Canada

Canada's documentary heritage is preserved and accessible to current and future generations.

Stewardship of documentary heritage

18,580,815 16,742,862 29,670,486 11,937,824 0 0 41,608,310

Access to documentary heritage

33,220,247 29,762,349 26,038,039 0 1,536,000 (550,000) 27,024,039

Documentation of Canadian society

12,908,868 11,591,441 13,095,854 0 0 0 13,095,854

Government information is managed to support government accountability.

Collaboration in the management of government records

9,392,789 6,212,732 5,363,344 0 0 0 5,363,344

Development of disposition authorizations

3,423,217 2,753,175 2,399,766 0 0 0 2,399,766

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

25,067,714 25,948,930 27,367,254 0 0 0 27,367,254
Total 102,593,650 93,011,489 103,934,743 11,937,824 1,536,000 (550,000) 116,858,567
Library of Parliament

An Informed and Accessible Parliament.

Information Support for Parliament

32,499,326 33,088,740 34,169,544 0 0 (1,000,000) 33,169,544

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

9,331,017 9,650,855 9,901,695 0 0 0 9,901,695
Total 41,830,343 42,739,595 44,071,239 0 0 (1,000,000) 43,071,239
Marine Atlantic Inc.

A safe, reliable, efficient, affordable and environmentally responsible ferry service between the Island of Newfoundland and the Province of Nova Scotia.

Ferry Services

0 19,384,000 110,310,000 29,812,000 0 0 140,122,000
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 127,484,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 127,484,000 19,384,000 110,310,000 29,812,000 0 0 140,122,000
Military Grievances External Review Committee

The Chief of the Defence Staff and members of the Canadian Armed Forces have access to a fair, independent and timely review of military grievances.

Independent review of military grievances

4,255,974 4,719,267 4,727,762 0 0 0 4,727,762

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

1,993,931 2,022,543 2,026,183 0 0 0 2,026,183
Total 6,249,905 6,741,810 6,753,945 0 0 0 6,753,945
Military Police Complaints Commission

The Military Police Complaints Commission (MPCC) ensures that the Canadian Forces Military Police has the highest standard of conduct according to law and police best practices, and is free from interference in its investigations.

Complaints Resolution

2,754,359 2,744,736 2,354,280 0 0 0 2,354,280

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

2,210,914 2,870,078 2,331,031 0 0 0 2,331,031
Total 4,965,273 5,614,814 4,685,311 0 0 0 4,685,311
National Arts Centre Corporation

Strong and dynamic performing arts in the National Capital Region and across Canada.


0 5,981,609 50,981,609 0 0 0 50,981,609


0 16,734,647 16,734,647 0 0 0 16,734,647

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 11,506,463 11,680,800 0 0 0 11,680,800
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 35,321,395 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 35,321,395 34,222,719 79,397,056 0 0 0 79,397,056
National Battlefields Commission

The Battlefields Park of Quebec is a prestigious, natural, accessible, safe and educational historic and urban site.

Conservation and Development

2,390,788 2,422,050 2,425,493 0 0 0 2,425,493

Public Education and Services

1,063,106 1,015,529 1,033,227 0 0 0 1,033,227

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

8,643,484 9,539,257 5,228,994 0 0 0 5,228,994
Total 12,097,378 12,976,836 8,687,714 0 0 0 8,687,714
National Capital Commission

Canada's Capital Region is of national significance and is a source of pride for Canadians.

Capital Stewardship and Protection

0 59,371,000 35,983,000 19,945,000 0 0 55,928,000

Capital Planning

0 2,495,000 2,964,000 0 0 0 2,964,000

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 30,855,330 27,465,180 2,435,000 0 0 29,900,180
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 92,446,209 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 92,446,209 92,721,330 66,412,180 22,380,000 0 0 88,792,180
National Defence

Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values.

Defence Capability Element Production

12,504,965,147 13,336,464,765 9,783,549,190 3,265,415,289 8,775,700 (282,142,403) 12,775,597,776

Defence Ready Force Element Production

3,284,882,232 3,102,147,905 3,429,451,872 53,561,953 0 (13,986,668) 3,469,027,157

Defence Capability Development and Research

462,489,089 373,537,801 344,581,743 53,254,027 129,089 (350,069) 397,614,790

Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values.

Defence Combat and Support Operations

1,229,363,372 1,294,500,580 1,196,063,151 14,076,343 151,689,731 (126,210,897) 1,235,618,328

Defence Services and Contributions to Government

497,418,597 382,286,293 324,009,866 2,384,160 7,324,000 (10,159,104) 323,558,922

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

474,820,024 453,116,285 446,691,111 7,238,637 0 (15,077,788) 438,851,960
Total 18,453,938,461 18,942,053,629 15,524,346,933 3,395,930,409 167,918,520 (447,926,929) 18,640,268,933
National Energy Board

The regulation of pipelines, power lines, energy development and energy trade contributes to the safety of Canadians, the protection of the environment and efficient energy infrastructure and markets, while respecting the rights and interests of those affected by NEB decisions and recommendations.

Energy Regulation

45,310,493 49,588,459 54,320,529 0 4,264,067 0 58,584,596

Energy Information Program

6,567,390 5,982,273 7,307,066 0 0 0 7,307,066

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

35,443,200 21,249,778 23,533,785 0 0 0 23,533,785
Total 87,321,083 76,820,510 85,161,380 0 4,264,067 0 89,425,447
National Film Board

Canadian stories and perspectives are reflected in audiovisual media and accessible to Canadians and the world.

Audiovisual production

37,074,179 38,068,603 38,350,615 0 0 (2,473,000) 35,877,615

Accessibility and Audience Engagement

17,181,576 13,742,245 23,578,299 0 0 (5,979,446) 17,598,853

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

8,306,761 7,841,529 8,418,352 0 0 0 8,418,352
Total 62,562,516 59,652,377 70,347,266 0 0 (8,452,446) 61,894,820
National Gallery of Canada

Interest in, knowledge of and appreciation and respect for visual art through collections of historic and contemporary works of art, programs and research that reflect a special but not exclusive perspective on Canada.


0 15,087,542 14,304,248 1,000,000 0 0 15,304,248


0 13,915,000 12,884,379 0 0 0 12,884,379


0 10,612,000 9,768,754 0 0 0 9,768,754

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 4,159,000 5,931,029 0 0 0 5,931,029
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 44,308,269 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 44,308,269 43,773,542 42,888,410 1,000,000 0 0 43,888,410
National Museum of Science and Technology

Interest in, knowledge of and appreciation and respect for science and technology through collections of scientific and technological objects, programs and research reflecting a Canadian perspective.


0 12,640,000 9,655,000 26,260,000 0 0 35,915,000

Sharing Knowledge

0 10,890,000 11,470,000 7,025,000 0 0 18,495,000

Heritage Preservation

0 4,325,000 4,200,000 25,000 0 0 4,225,000

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 1,899,746 1,244,776 100,000 0 0 1,344,776
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 33,370,395 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 33,370,395 29,754,746 26,569,776 33,410,000 0 0 59,979,776
National Research Council of Canada

Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies.

Technology Development and Advancement

344,930,416 278,902,744 310,658,068 71,519,977 0 0 382,178,045

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)

271,824,267 293,359,644 68,081,759 0 201,459,885 0 269,541,644

R&D infrastructure for an innovative and knowledge-based economy.

Science Infrastructure and Measurement

106,451,583 77,443,974 45,312,665 4,571,568 117,855,009 0 167,739,242

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

232,498,650 203,548,420 190,972,401 42,667,244 560,000 0 234,199,645
Total 955,704,916 853,254,782 615,024,893 118,758,789 319,874,894 0 1,053,658,576
Natural Resources

Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive.

Statutory Programs – Atlantic Offshore

837,746,067 1,181,938,140 0 0 743,336,158 0 743,336,158

Innovation for New Products and Processes

71,707,214 83,438,001 40,809,981 0 58,405,000 (3,140,000) 96,074,981

Investment in Natural Resource Sectors

60,589,504 54,230,114 61,032,219 1,150,000 1,515,000 (797,000) 62,900,219

Market Access and Diversification

61,566,240 48,685,006 31,933,476 0 12,061,000 (1,000) 43,993,476

Natural resource sectors and consumers are environmentally responsible.

Energy-efficient Practices and Lower-carbon Energy Sources

291,745,439 253,978,461 15,668,817 0 167,729,000 (61,000) 183,336,817

Technology Innovation

151,832,220 126,472,078 83,908,454 2,080,600 49,149,380 (19,300,000) 115,838,434

Responsible Natural Resource Management

267,570,932 193,117,981 27,992,838 0 3,123,670 (1,497,000) 29,619,508

Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks.

Landmass Information

78,469,116 71,155,143 80,770,108 430,000 10,000 (6,117,446) 75,092,662

Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources

65,692,439 58,672,639 58,507,066 6,832,677 256,000 (7,787,000) 57,808,743

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

162,499,616 142,789,148 141,862,585 42,825,170 0 (170,000) 184,517,755
Total 2,049,418,787 2,214,476,711 542,485,544 53,318,447 1,035,585,208 (38,870,446) 1,592,518,753
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering.

Discovery: Advancement of Knowledge

417,812,704 403,233,837 7,675,627 0 427,848,417 0 435,524,044

Innovation: Research Partnerships

371,301,195 371,949,620 15,440,556 0 359,917,907 0 375,358,463

People: Research Talent

272,162,729 287,240,355 4,062,827 0 283,498,736 0 287,561,563

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

24,168,828 24,146,513 21,740,599 0 0 0 21,740,599
Total 1,085,445,456 1,086,570,325 48,919,609 0 1,071,265,060 0 1,120,184,669
Northern Pipeline Agency

The planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline project is efficient and expeditious while ensuring environmental protection and social and economic benefits for Canadians.

Oversee and regulate the planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline Project.

516,310 750,775 741,835 0 10,000 0 751,835
Total 516,310 750,775 741,835 0 10,000 0 751,835
Office of Infrastructure of Canada

Public Infrastructure for a More Prosperous Canada.

Permanent and Flexible Infrastructure Funding

1,974,387,706 1,976,213,928 2,629,497 38,936 2,071,932,904 0 2,074,601,337

Large-Scale Infrastructure Investments

787,479,954 1,174,990,518 8,381,784 46,582,021 1,214,463,730 0 1,269,427,535

Investments in National Infrastructure Priorities

139,119,440 148,607,942 2,744,307 250,054 171,347,728 0 174,342,089

Infrastructure Investments in Small Communities and Rural Areas

92,993,364 171,319,905 1,829,212 250,054 129,843,242 0 131,922,508

Funding for Provincial-Territorial Priorities

25,078,120 91,061,247 140,782 7,500 97,231,800 0 97,380,082

New Bridge for the St. Lawrence Corridor Project

40,687,967 42,661,977 70,297,279 21,562,021 0 0 91,859,300

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

36,135,562 28,407,231 29,976,406 0 0 0 29,976,406
Total 3,095,882,113 3,633,262,748 115,999,267 68,690,586 3,684,819,404 0 3,869,509,257
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying

Transparency and accountability in the lobbying of public office holders contribute to confidence in the integrity of government decision-making.

Compliance and Enforcement

1,111,761 1,136,392 1,121,510 0 0 0 1,121,510

Registry of Lobbyists

950,575 1,029,060 1,025,250 0 0 0 1,025,250

Outreach and Education

722,255 694,327 772,854 0 0 0 772,854

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

1,895,936 1,592,761 1,543,072 0 0 0 1,543,072
Total 4,680,527 4,452,540 4,462,686 0 0 0 4,462,686
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

Rights guaranteed by the Official Languages Act are protected and linguistic duality is promoted as a fundamental value of Canadian society.

Promotion of Linguistic Duality

7,007,231 6,902,349 6,971,568 0 0 0 6,971,568

Protection of Language Rights

7,134,848 6,959,977 6,967,574 0 0 0 6,967,574

The following program activity supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

8,273,795 6,971,199 6,952,477 0 0 0 6,952,477
Total 22,415,874 20,833,525 20,891,619 0 0 0 20,891,619
Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner

The Communications Security Establishment performs its duties and functions in accordance with the laws of Canada and with due regard for the privacy of Canadians.

The Communications Security Establishment Commissionerʼs Review Program

1,216,653 1,549,695 1,620,000 0 0 0 1,620,000

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

826,907 481,372 505,377 0 0 0 505,377
Total 2,043,560 2,031,067 2,125,377 0 0 0 2,125,377
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner

The public can feel confident that public office holders and MPs are meeting the requirements of the conflict of interest compliance measures.

Administration of the Conflict of Interest Act and the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons

3,934,745 4,842,213 4,784,816 0 0 0 4,784,816

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

2,342,467 2,110,013 2,185,837 0 0 0 2,185,837
Total 6,277,212 6,952,226 6,970,653 0 0 0 6,970,653
Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women

Equality between women and men is promoted and advanced in Canada.

Advancing Equality for Women

22,783,283 23,155,089 4,711,251 0 20,630,000 0 25,341,251

Strategic Advice, Expertise and Promotion of Gender Equality

2,004,692 2,142,013 2,144,659 0 0 0 2,144,659

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

5,337,769 4,245,975 4,250,414 0 0 0 4,250,414
Total 30,125,744 29,543,077 11,106,324 0 20,630,000 0 31,736,324
Office of the Correctional Investigator

The problems of offenders in the federal correctional system are identified and addressed in a timely fashion.

Ombudsman for federal offenders

3,687,215 3,682,952 3,629,089 0 0 0 3,629,089

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

1,080,785 972,589 1,035,447 0 0 0 1,035,447
Total 4,768,000 4,655,541 4,664,536 0 0 0 4,664,536
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

Criminal and regulatory offences under federal law are prosecuted in an independent, impartial and fair manner.

Drug, Criminal Code, and terrorism prosecution program

133,019,792 130,464,160 135,101,728 0 0 0 135,101,728

Regulatory offences and economic crime prosecution program

18,277,385 16,245,056 49,863,561 0 0 (22,542,000) 27,321,561

Compliance and enforcement activities under the Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act are conducted by the Commissioner of Canada Elections in an independent, impartial and fair manner.


2,778,230 2,457,484 2,290,133 0 0 0 2,290,133


470,170 1,638,323 1,526,755 0 0 0 1,526,755

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

20,701,173 19,913,172 19,625,280 0 0 (200,000) 19,425,280
Total 175,246,750 170,718,195 208,407,457 0 0 (22,742,000) 185,665,457
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner

Wrongdoing in the federal public sector is addressed and public servants are protected in case of reprisal.

Disclosure and Reprisal Management Program

2,692,847 3,418,985 3,524,227 0 40,000 0 3,564,227

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

2,148,180 2,029,457 1,898,247 0 0 0 1,898,247
Total 4,841,027 5,448,442 5,422,474 0 40,000 0 5,462,474
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

A safe and sound Canadian financial system.

Regulation and Supervision of Federally Regulated Financial Institutions

79,674,770 78,956,478 80,602,151 0 0 0 80,602,151

Regulation and Supervision of Federally Regulated Private Pension Plans

3,944,690 4,105,818 4,178,274 0 0 0 4,178,274

A financially sound and sustainable Canadian public retirement income system.

Actuarial Valuation and Advisory Services

5,092,171 6,130,074 5,710,390 0 0 0 5,710,390

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

57,597,243 58,741,742 56,154,141 3,059,000 0 0 59,213,141
Total 146,308,874 147,934,112 146,644,956 3,059,000 0 0 149,703,956
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada

The privacy rights of individuals are protected.

Compliance Activities

12,031,143 11,675,374 11,406,623 0 0 0 11,406,623

Research and Policy Development

3,040,117 3,835,821 2,881,673 0 500,000 0 3,381,673

Public Outreach

2,508,474 3,097,548 2,401,395 0 0 0 2,401,395

Rights under the Access to Information Act are safeguarded.

Compliance with access to information obligations

9,152,469 8,669,716 8,694,136 0 0 0 8,694,136

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services – Office of the Privacy Commissioner

7,990,102 5,718,551 7,443,553 0 0 (115,000) 7,328,553

Internal Services – Office of the Information Commissioner

2,618,339 2,589,656 2,596,950 0 0 0 2,596,950
Total 37,340,644 35,586,666 35,424,330 0 500,000 (115,000) 35,809,330
Parks Canada Agency

Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations.

Visitor Experience

291,314,470 234,733,102 203,612,136 275,774,858 464,376 0 479,851,370

Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites Management

136,302,253 191,344,084 32,150,281 274,622,491 9,178 0 306,781,950

Heritage Places Conservation

137,267,951 157,901,824 109,494,352 74,042,880 2,407,112 0 185,944,344

Heritage Places Promotion and Public Support

42,872,689 37,259,692 41,748,907 1,993,808 1,444,950 0 45,187,665

Heritage Places Establishment

21,199,396 27,582,536 10,354,405 1,651,825 6,275,008 0 18,281,238

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

92,843,101 88,451,765 127,941,996 9,549,738 0 0 137,491,734
Total 721,799,860 737,273,003 525,302,077 637,635,600 10,600,624 0 1,173,538,301
Parliamentary Protective Service

Physical security of Parliamentarians, employees, visitors, the premises or parts of premises that form part of the parliamentary Precinct and any assets located within or events that take place therein, and of Parliament Hill.

Physical Security

0 0 62,115,110 0 0 0 62,115,110
Total 0 0 62,115,110 0 0 0 62,115,110
Parole Board of Canada

Conditional release and record suspension decisions and decision processes that safeguard Canadian communities.

Conditional Release Decisions

37,027,793 33,532,213 34,534,060 0 0 0 34,534,060

Conditional Release Openness and Accountability

5,728,180 4,942,242 4,730,594 0 0 0 4,730,594

Record Suspension Decisions/Clemency Recommendations

2,317,620 539,078 6,196,714 0 0 (5,644,800) 551,914

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

5,048,803 6,902,217 6,973,388 0 0 0 6,973,388
Total 50,122,396 45,915,750 52,434,756 0 0 (5,644,800) 46,789,956
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board

Canadians are protected from excessive prices for patented medicines sold in Canada and stakeholders are informed on pharmaceutical trends.

Patented Medicine Prices Regulation Program

3,543,891 6,834,096 6,646,758 0 0 0 6,646,758

Pharmaceutical Trends Program

1,301,871 1,506,994 1,704,508 0 0 0 1,704,508

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

3,084,518 2,604,091 2,613,842 0 0 0 2,613,842
Total 7,930,280 10,945,181 10,965,108 0 0 0 10,965,108
PPP Canada Inc.

Transform Canada into a leader for public-private partnerships (P3).

Federal Public-Private Partnership Initiatives

0 231,200,000 279,500,000 0 0 0 279,500,000
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 209,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 209,500,000 231,200,000 279,500,000 0 0 0 279,500,000
Privy Council

The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained.

Advice and support to the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers

63,488,309 63,821,864 64,933,100 0 0 0 64,933,100

Advice and support to Cabinet and Cabinet committees

13,636,584 13,921,562 13,876,838 0 0 0 13,876,838

Public Service leadership and direction

2,748,542 4,408,311 4,674,197 0 0 0 4,674,197

Commissions of inquiry

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

43,320,220 36,681,542 37,275,245 0 0 (75,000) 37,200,245
Total 123,193,655 118,833,279 120,759,380 0 0 (75,000) 120,684,380
Public Health Agency of Canada

Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health.

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

351,381,857 297,110,496 115,122,303 1,353,695 184,204,000 0 300,679,998

Public Health Infrastructure

124,806,312 114,621,598 88,888,044 4,500,000 22,575,000 0 115,963,044

Health Security

61,983,921 59,776,240 77,985,890 0 0 (523,700) 77,462,190

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

98,797,095 95,644,087 95,632,570 0 0 0 95,632,570
Total 636,969,185 567,152,421 377,628,807 5,853,695 206,779,000 (523,700) 589,737,802
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

A safe and resilient Canada.

Emergency Management

440,187,278 874,644,725 32,829,528 145,500 768,860,072 0 801,835,100

Countering Crime

153,901,164 197,065,838 26,795,783 0 183,657,729 0 210,453,512

National Security

25,639,736 24,927,394 26,177,023 4,128,500 350,000 0 30,655,523

Border Strategies

4,342,209 4,211,070 3,730,870 0 0 0 3,730,870

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

51,392,399 49,587,224 52,983,403 0 0 (2,700,000) 50,283,403
Total 675,462,786 1,150,436,251 142,516,607 4,274,000 952,867,801 (2,700,000) 1,096,958,408
Public Service Commission

A highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency.

Staffing Services and Assessment

20,735,468 23,214,547 39,295,506 0 0 (14,252,000) 25,043,506

Oversight of Integrity in Staffing and of Non-Partisanship

17,026,944 18,847,474 16,567,345 0 0 0 16,567,345

Staffing System Integrity and Political Impartiality

13,965,264 16,045,990 14,723,892 0 0 0 14,723,892

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

25,870,255 25,493,005 27,268,320 0 0 0 27,268,320
Total 77,597,931 83,601,016 97,855,063 0 0 (14,252,000) 83,603,063
Public Service Labour Relations Board

Resolution of labour relations issues in the federal public service and in Parliament in an impartial manner.

Adjudication, mediation and compensation analysis and research

5,840,342 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

2,164,377 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 8,004,719 0 0 0 0 0 0
Public Service Staffing Tribunal

Fair and impartial resolution of disputes related to internal appointments and lay-offs in the federal public service.

Adjudication and mediation of complaints filed under the Public Service Employment Act

2,280,929 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

692,620 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2,973,549 0 0 0 0 0 0
Public Works and Government Services

High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions.

Accommodation Management and Real Property Services

2,032,720,121 2,175,548,102 3,870,395,412 1,182,334,259 0 (2,859,901,163) 2,192,828,508


144,689,521 151,339,610 393,669,726 0 0 (245,414,689) 148,255,037

Receiver General for Canada

116,448,841 99,157,873 124,257,140 0 0 (17,609,536) 106,647,604

Federal Pay and Pension Administration

115,698,499 114,163,435 228,642,593 632,387 0 (147,513,299) 81,761,681

Linguistic Management and Services

57,727,343 60,913,368 215,337,702 0 0 (154,630,228) 60,707,474

Specialized Programs and Services

47,133,036 29,617,191 162,066,665 0 0 (132,612,624) 29,454,041

Integrity Programs and Services

22,035,911 15,505,622 39,278,029 0 0 (24,093,956) 15,184,073

Procurement Ombudsman

3,889,948 4,111,325 4,118,152 0 0 0 4,118,152

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

226,820,291 221,169,070 374,205,572 230,000 0 (142,932,744) 231,502,828
Total 2,767,163,511 2,871,525,596 5,411,970,991 1,183,196,646 0 (3,724,708,239) 2,870,459,398
Registry of the Competition Tribunal

Open, fair, transparent and expeditious hearings related to the Tribunal's jurisdiction.

Process Cases

348,825 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

226,553 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 575,378 0 0 0 0 0 0
Registry of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal

Remedial and disciplinary actions that ensure complainants to the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner are protected against reprisals.

Reprisal Hearings Program

965,243 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 965,243 0 0 0 0 0 0
Registry of the Specific Claims Tribunal

Efficient administration of the Specific Claims Tribunal.

Registry Services

949,289 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

363,409 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,312,698 0 0 0 0 0 0
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced.

Police Operations

1,695,334,830 1,585,420,286 3,385,841,711 170,366,007 323,000 (1,892,826,281) 1,663,704,437

Canadian Law Enforcement Services

222,457,415 177,934,590 168,032,432 1,653,224 15,037,000 (18,738,000) 165,984,656

Incomes are secure for RCMP members and their survivors affected by disability or death.

Transfer Payments

156,978,125 177,864,933 0 0 190,486,483 0 190,486,483

Canada's police provide international collaboration and assistance while maintaining a rich police heritage nationally.

International Policing Operations

52,898,053 52,395,181 53,739,203 0 27,000 0 53,766,203

Canadian Police Culture and Heritage

13,571,003 10,929,545 11,051,561 0 100,000 0 11,151,561

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

720,649,549 625,513,161 609,076,318 74,761,493 0 (9,603,317) 674,234,494
Total 2,861,888,975 2,630,057,696 4,227,741,225 246,780,724 205,973,483 (1,921,167,598) 2,759,327,834
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee

Fair and transparent labour relations decision-making that reinforces accountability.

Appeal case reviews

1,584,606 952,848 1,554,862 0 0 0 1,554,862
Total 1,584,606 952,848 1,554,862 0 0 0 1,554,862
Security Intelligence Review Committee

Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) performs its duties and functions in accordance with the law, policy and Ministerial direction.


1,295,985 1,325,417 1,329,534 0 0 0 1,329,534


742,767 771,306 773,525 0 0 0 773,525

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

941,268 699,645 698,937 0 0 0 698,937
Total 2,980,020 2,796,368 2,801,996 0 0 0 2,801,996
Senate Ethics Officer

Senators meet their obligations under The Ethics and Conflict of Interest Code for Senators in a manner that contributes to the integrity of the Senate as an institution.


703,221 1,168,700 1,171,300 0 0 0 1,171,300
Total 703,221 1,168,700 1,171,300 0 0 0 1,171,300
Shared Services Canada

Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective Information Technology (IT) infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery.

Information Technology Infrastructure Services

1,464,760,963 1,284,972,140 1,530,505,373 268,075,870 0 (407,093,999) 1,391,487,244

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

157,620,892 159,071,885 158,359,029 8,428 0 0 158,367,457
Total 1,622,381,855 1,444,044,025 1,688,864,402 268,084,298 0 (407,093,999) 1,549,854,701
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training.

Talent: attraction, retention and development of students and researchers in the social sciences and humanities

168,129,181 172,834,808 4,310,075 0 169,183,036 0 173,493,111

Insight: new knowledge in the social sciences and humanities

154,341,344 156,251,032 6,317,349 0 153,472,454 0 159,789,803

Connection: mobilization of social sciences and humanities knowledge

33,309,316 30,186,058 1,048,721 0 27,542,098 0 28,590,819

Canada has the institutional capacity to enable research and research-related activities in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering and health.

Indirect Costs of Research

340,902,057 341,675,018 212,386 0 341,403,000 0 341,615,386

Canada First Research Excellence Fund

0 0 558,882 0 1,935,556 0 2,494,438

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

16,244,750 16,142,936 14,029,252 0 0 0 14,029,252
Total 712,926,648 717,089,852 26,476,665 0 693,536,144 0 720,012,809
Standards Council of Canada

Canada has an effective and efficient National Standards System.

Standards Program

0 7,439,000 6,997,000 0 0 0 6,997,000

Conformity Assessment Program

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Standards and Conformity Assessment Policy

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

0 2,390,000 2,332,000 0 0 0 2,332,000
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 12,889,535 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 12,889,535 9,829,000 9,329,000 0 0 0 9,329,000
Statistics Canada

Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canadaʼs changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues.


61,835,205 145,443,672 374,123,155 0 0 (7,974,616) 366,148,539

Economic and Environmental Statistics

132,627,053 127,982,162 128,535,138 0 0 0 128,535,138

Socio-economic Statistics

100,399,795 94,887,730 100,763,339 0 0 0 100,763,339

Statistical Infrastructure

116,403,474 105,110,975 97,850,720 0 100,000 0 97,950,720

Specific client needs for high-quality and timely statistical services are met.

Cost-recovered Statistical Services

(3,911) 0 112,025,384 0 0 (112,025,384) 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

55,940,845 51,666,281 58,086,277 0 0 0 58,086,277
Total 467,202,461 525,090,820 871,384,013 0 100,000 (120,000,000) 751,484,013
Supreme Court of Canada

The administration of Canada's final court of appeal is effective and independent.

Court Operations

16,489,596 16,286,129 16,067,392 0 0 0 16,067,392

Payments to Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada Pursuant to the Judges Act

6,565,949 7,087,990 7,425,442 0 0 0 7,425,442

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

8,937,242 8,389,824 9,724,368 0 0 0 9,724,368
Total 31,992,787 31,763,943 33,217,202 0 0 0 33,217,202
Telefilm Canada

Quality audiovisual content developed by Canadians and promoted to audiences in Canada and internationally.

Investment in the development of and support to the Canadian audiovisual industry

69,829,248 66,306,278 66,332,982 0 0 0 66,332,982

National and international promotional support for Canadian content

14,787,461 16,390,499 16,692,721 0 0 0 16,692,721

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

10,836,842 12,756,774 12,427,848 0 0 0 12,427,848
Total 95,453,551 95,453,551 95,453,551 0 0 0 95,453,551
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited

Safe and efficient transit on the infrastructure maintained, operated and managed by The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited.

Construction of a new low-level bridge in Cornwall, Ontario as well as related infrastructure improvements

0 35,281,996 0 31,414,312 0 0 31,414,312
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 8,138,200 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 8,138,200 35,281,996 0 31,414,312 0 0 31,414,312
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.

Safe and efficient transit on the infrastructure maintained, operated and managed by the Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated.

Management of federal bridge, highway and tunnel infrastructure, and properties in the Montreal area

0 368,737,000 254,642,000 97,277,000 0 0 351,919,000
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 244,957,619 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 244,957,619 368,737,000 254,642,000 97,277,000 0 0 351,919,000
The Senate

To provide the best possible environment for Senators to effectively contribute to federal legislation and public policy issues in the best interest of all Canadians.

Senators and their Offices

36,505,215 42,275,393 44,042,495 0 167,000 0 44,209,495

Administrative Support

30,385,112 30,516,196 28,648,598 0 0 0 28,648,598

Chamber, Committees and Associations

18,512,064 15,956,369 16,851,606 0 405,609 0 17,257,215
Total 85,402,391 88,747,958 89,542,699 0 572,609 0 90,115,308

An Efficient Transportation System.

Transportation Infrastructure

455,366,393 399,495,001 173,060,833 90,187,926 171,863,442 (19,674,639) 415,437,562

Gateways and Corridors

448,362,484 576,569,290 1,248,574 0 258,354,429 0 259,603,003

Transportation Marketplace Frameworks

28,290,806 24,473,890 21,343,392 344,286 24,000 0 21,711,678

A Safe and Secure Transportation System.

Aviation Safety

188,941,065 173,447,956 212,655,195 9,941,486 230,000 (43,736,100) 179,090,581

Marine Safety

69,847,859 57,475,536 64,461,883 3,299,475 1,000,000 (11,947,030) 56,814,328

Rail Safety

35,333,175 35,707,671 23,760,187 0 11,545,000 (181,000) 35,124,187

Aviation Security

32,722,389 29,791,738 29,604,144 176,961 0 0 29,781,105

Motor Vehicle Safety

25,940,392 22,723,248 16,478,460 3,196,847 4,442,681 (2,040,000) 22,077,988

Transportation of Dangerous Goods

22,740,646 15,322,623 15,325,736 515,983 0 0 15,841,719

Marine Security

14,429,160 12,872,129 12,818,042 132,623 0 0 12,950,665

Multimodal Safety and Security

19,315,574 10,890,897 11,169,503 474,136 0 (280,000) 11,363,639

Surface and Intermodal Security

5,096,531 4,703,731 4,586,439 0 0 0 4,586,439

A Clean Transportation System.

Clean Water from Transportation

24,421,705 31,902,400 16,810,749 1,010,593 11,360,416 0 29,181,758

Environmental Stewardship of Transportation

44,745,522 33,906,726 13,132,224 0 0 0 13,132,224

Clean Air from Transportation

24,011,027 29,417,677 1,508,203 1,048,462 9,460,380 0 12,017,045

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

165,516,583 156,311,765 138,866,432 8,897,743 0 (570,499) 147,193,676
Total 1,605,081,311 1,615,012,278 756,829,996 119,226,521 468,280,348 (78,429,268) 1,265,907,597
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada

The Canadian transportation community is provided with the opportunity to have enforcement and licensing decisions of the Minister of Transport reviewed in a fair manner by unbiased hearing officers.

Review and Appeal Hearings

744,111 0 0 0 0 0 0

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

140,304 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 884,415 0 0 0 0 0 0
Treasury Board Secretariat

Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians.

Government-wide Funds and Public Service Employer Payments

2,898,360,909 6,645,161,074 6,221,814,978 600,000,000 500,000 (489,060,581) 6,333,254,397

Management Policies Development and Monitoring

0 73,826,361 67,614,269 0 0 0 67,614,269

Government-Wide Program Design and Delivery

0 50,671,220 59,603,489 0 0 (5,870,558) 53,732,931

Decision-Making Support and Oversight

0 47,506,141 49,543,385 0 0 0 49,543,385

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

78,399,289 75,279,537 72,639,051 0 0 (5,978,004) 66,661,047
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 244,929,484 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3,221,689,682 6,892,444,333 6,471,215,172 600,000,000 500,000 (500,909,143) 6,570,806,029
Veterans Affairs

Financial, physical and mental well-being of eligible Veterans.

Disability and Death Compensation

2,017,365,900 2,075,599,433 75,735,279 0 2,066,022,000 0 2,141,757,279

Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services

1,026,146,338 1,094,951,813 728,025,862 0 361,223,000 0 1,089,248,862

Financial Support Program

205,167,882 228,636,029 6,447,229 0 271,592,000 0 278,039,229

Canadians remember and demonstrate their recognition of all those who served in Canada's efforts during war, military conflict and peace.

Canada Remembers Program

45,528,370 50,557,923 19,365,506 0 26,952,000 0 46,317,506

Veterans' rights to services and benefits that address their needs are considered by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio.

Veterans Ombudsman

4,578,484 5,779,872 5,306,217 0 0 0 5,306,217

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

78,092,980 66,553,105 67,612,609 0 0 0 67,612,609
Total 3,376,879,954 3,522,078,175 902,492,702 0 2,725,789,000 0 3,628,281,702
Veterans Review and Appeal Board

An independent and fair appeal process for disability pension, award and allowance decisions made by Veterans Affairs Canada.

Review and Appeal

11,423,299 10,896,563 10,921,149 0 0 0 10,921,149
Total 11,423,299 10,896,563 10,921,149 0 0 0 10,921,149
VIA Rail Canada Inc.

A national passenger rail transportation service that is safe, secure, efficient, reliable, and environmentally sustainable and that meets the needs of travellers in Canada.

Operation of a national network of rail passenger services

0 330,077,000 239,455,000 143,375,000 0 0 382,830,000
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 406,210,121 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 406,210,121 330,077,000 239,455,000 143,375,000 0 0 382,830,000
Western Economic Diversification

A growing and diversified western Canadian economy.

Business Development and Innovation

107,678,368 100,520,050 15,074,884 0 80,060,566 0 95,135,450

Community Economic Growth

31,958,194 34,862,792 4,450,144 0 52,872,348 0 57,322,492

Policy, Advocacy and Coordination

8,736,194 10,145,094 6,914,266 0 1,500,000 0 8,414,266

The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

13,629,780 14,385,978 12,519,328 0 0 0 12,519,328
Total 162,002,536 159,913,914 38,958,622 0 134,432,914 0 173,391,536
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority

A safe, secure, and efficient international crossing for commercial and passenger traffic across the Windsor-Detroit Bridge.

Detroit River International Crossing

8,059,104 58,469,905 86,394,947 129,594,880 0 0 215,989,827
Total 8,059,104 58,469,905 86,394,947 129,594,880 0 0 215,989,827
Table 2. Non-budgetary
  Expenditures 2015–Main Estimates 2016–
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Canadians in need have access to affordable housing.

Funding Under Long-Term Commitments for Existing Social Housing

(451,220,483) (3,690,000) (508,422,000)

Funding for New Commitments of Affordable Housing

0 500,000 500,000

Housing Support

(155,836,876) (135,933,000) (136,392,000)

Canada has a stable, competitive and innovative housing system.

Insured Mortgage Purchase Program

(9,858,255,974) 0 0
Total (10,465,313,333) (139,123,000) (644,314,000)
Canadian Dairy Commission

To enhance the vitality of the Canadian dairy industry for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Administer milk supply management system

(34,865,529) 0 0
Total (34,865,529) 0 0
Citizenship and Immigration

Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society.

Newcomer Settlement and Integration

1,201,648 0 0
Total 1,201,648 0 0
Correctional Service of Canada

The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety.

Correctional Interventions

(170) 0 0
Total (170) 0 0
Employment and Social Development

A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market.


844,021,846 1,027,422,531 979,969,792

Safe, fair and productive workplaces and cooperative workplace relations.


547,000 0 0
Total 844,568,846 1,027,422,531 979,969,792

A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians.

Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs

470,328,962 0 0

Treasury and Financial Affairs

80,264,827,793 0 0
Total 80,735,156,755 0 0
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Canadaʼs Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities.

Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services

9,147,841 0 0

International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages.

International Security and Democratic Development

0 4,558,947 0

International Development

0 40,587,594 3,098,451
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture 57,455,271 0 0
Total 66,603,112 45,146,541 3,098,451
Indian Affairs and Northern Development

The Government – Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous peoples.

Rights and Interests of Indigenous Peoples

38,448,505 70,303,000 25,903,000
Total 38,448,505 70,303,000 25,903,000

Canadian businesses and communities are competitive.

Industrial Competitiveness and Capacity

0 800,000 800,000
Total 0 800,000 800,000
National Defence

Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values.

Defence Combat and Support Operations

(474,177) 0 0

Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values.

Defence Ready Force Element Production

(812,906) 0 0

Defence Capability Element Production

(3,358,427) 0 0
Total (4,645,510) 0 0
Public Works and Government Services
Funds not allocated to the 2016– Program Alignment Architecture (11,463,186) 0 0
Total (11,463,186) 0 0
Veterans Affairs

Financial, physical and mental well-being of eligible Veterans.

Disability and Death Compensation

(416) 0 0
Total (416) 0 0
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