Learn about foreign credential recognition in Canada


Read Survival to Success: Transforming Immigrant Outcomes report on how governments and organizations can make it easier for new Canadians to find work in Canada.

Working in Canada

As a newcomer to Canada, before you can work in your occupation, you may have to get your international credentials recognized. This means that experts will have to verify that the education, language skills and work experience you got outside Canada meet specific standards.

This is called foreign credential recognition, foreign qualification recognition, international credential recognition or international qualification recognition.

To begin, you need to know if your job or occupation is regulated or non-regulated in Canada and where to get your international qualifications recognized. Then, you can follow the steps to get your credentials recognized.

1. Learn about regulated and non-regulated occupations

Regulated occupations require special licences or certifications in Canada.

  • If you want to work in a regulated occupation, you must get your international credentials recognized.
  • In Canada, each of the ten provinces and three territories are responsible for giving licences to people who meet the standards. Because of this, the standards for an occupation can be different in each province and territory.
  • See Step 2 to find out which occupations are regulated and where to get your international credentials recognized in the province or territory where you want to work. You will need to pay to get your credentials recognized.

Examples of regulated occupations include accountant, architect, carpenter, doctor, electrician and welder.

Non-regulated occupations do not generally require special licences or certifications. Most occupations in Canada are non-regulated.

  • If you want to work in a non-regulated occupation, you may not need to get any credentials recognized.
  • However, an employer could ask you to get your international credentials assessed. You will need to pay to have this done. Go to Step 2 to find out which occupations are non-regulated and where to go for your assessment. You may want to include the results of your assessment on your résumé or curriculum vitæ (CV).

Examples of non-regulated occupations are jobs in economics, bookkeeping, administration and marketing.

2. Find out if your occupation is regulated or non-regulated and where to get your credentials recognized

Use the Job Market Report search box below to find out:

  • if the occupation you want to work in is regulated or non-regulated;
  • where to get your international foreign credentials recognized or assessed so you can work in a regulated occupation (which regulatory body you should contact);
  • how much money you can expect to be paid in your occupation;
  • how easy it might be to find work in your occupation at the moment; and
  • what kind of job you could work in while you wait for your credentials to be recognized.

3. Get your credentials recognized

Follow the steps at Get your credentials assessed to get started.

Funding for organizations

The Government of Canada provides funding and support to governments and organizations to make sure that foreign credential recognition is fair and timely for everyone.

Other resources

  • Pan-Canadian Framework: learn about the plan to improve foreign credential recognition all across Canada.
  • Success stories: see how Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition Program has changed people’s lives.

Learn about getting a job in a different province or territory in Canada.

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