The new Canada Child Benefit

Introducing the new Canada Child Benefit

The Government of Canada is introducing a new Canada Child Benefit to replace the current system of child benefits.

There is no need to apply if you already get child benefits, but you and your spouse or common law partner have to file a 2015 tax return. If you are eligible, you will automatically start receiving the new Canada Child Benefit as of July 2016.

The new Canada Child Benefit is:

  • simpler — most families will receive a single payment every month
  • tax-free — families won’t have to pay taxes on payments received when they file their tax returns
  • better-targeted to those who need it most — low and middle-income families get higher payments, and those with the highest incomes (generally over $150,000) receive less than under the previous system
  • much more generous — families benefiting will see an average increase of almost $2,300 in the 2016-17 benefit year

Learn more about the Canada Child Benefit and whether you need to apply.


Use the child and family benefits calculator to figure out how much you may get.

Choose which province you live in, input your family net income and the number of children you have under the age of 18.

You can get up to:

  • $6,400 per year for each child under the age of 6
  • $5,400 per year for each child aged 6 to 17

Check out our calculator!

Canada Child Benefit Explained

Video Script to Explain the Canada Child Benefit

In Budget 2016, the Government of Canada is strengthening Canada's middle class. It starts with more support for children.

Families struggle with the cost of raising children, and too many families worry about how to make ends meet.

That is why the Government of Canada is introducing the Canada Child Benefit to replace existing federal child benefits.

It will put more money in the pockets of middle class Canadian families every month.

It'll also be simpler. If you already receive child benefits and file your taxes, there's no need to apply.

You'll receive a notice in July to let you know if you qualify.

And now, it's all tax-free. So when families file their tax returns there's nothing to pay back.

The Canada Child Benefit is better targeted to those who need it most. Middle class families and those working hard to join it, will receive more money.

Here's how. For those earning less than $30,000 with a child under six, you will receive the maximum benefit of $6,400. And for a child between 6 and 17 you'll receive $5,400 a year. For each child.

Nine out of 10 Canadian families will benefit more.

Here's another example. Take Chloe and Jade and their one year old daughter Jess.

Their family net income is $65,000. They will get $3,950 a year in benefits in one simple payment per month. Tax free.

All Canadians deserve an opportunity to develop to their full potential.

Because when you have an economy that works for the middle class,you have a country that works for everyone.

Find out how the Canada Child Benefit can help your family.


Did you know?

About 9 out of 10 Canadian families will receive higher payments under the Canada Child Benefit than before. With the introduction of a much better-targeted Canada Child Benefit, about 300,000 fewer children will be living in poverty in 2017 compared with 2014.

Learn more about the Canada Child Benefit.

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Video Script to Explain Budget 2016

In Budget 2016, the Government of Canada is charting a new course to grow the economy, strengthen the middle class – and help those working hard to join it.

Canadians are working harder and longer than ever. But incomes are flat.

The cost of living keeps going up, and household debt is higher than ever.

We think it’s time to restore hope.

Here's how we're doing it:

By cutting taxes for 9 million Canadians this year, and every year. And asking the wealthiest to pay a little more.

We're also introducing the Canada Child Benefit.

It’s a plan to help families, and is the most significant social policy innovation in a generation.

It’s targeted to those who need it most, and puts more money in families' pockets than the old system –tax-free.

And that’s not all.

We’re bringing real change to Canada’s middle class by making investments that help families today, AND grow the economy for the future.

In Budget 2016, the Government is investing in what matters to all of us – public transit, clean technology, and housing – to help the economy, create jobs, and provide long-term benefits to all Canadians.

Together, we will revitalize Canada’s economy.

Because, when you have an economy that works for the middle class, you have a country that works for everyone.

Find out how Budget 2016 helps YOU.



Family Benefits

Information about benefits to help your family with the costs of raising children.

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