We are a foresight and knowledge organization within the federal public service. Through scanning and foresight we anticipate emerging policy challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing and complex world. This work supports medium-term policy development by the Government of Canada.

Foresight Training Manual

Foresight Training Manual

The Horizons Foresight Method was designed to inform policy development on complex public policy problems in a rigorous and systematic way. It examines the issue or focus of a foresight study in the context of the larger system that shapes it.

Canada in a Changing Global Energy Landscape

 Canada in a Changing Global Energy Landscape

The world’s energy landscape is transforming rapidly as the cost of renewable-based electricity, particularly from wind and solar, declines to become competitive with or lower than the price of electricity generated by fossil fuel and nuclear power plants.

Canada and the Changing Nature of Work

Canada and the Changing Nature of Work

One of the more disruptive features of the emerging digital economy is the rise of virtual workers. Online work platforms enable individual workers to advertise their skills and find short-term contracts with employers all over the world – creating a global digital marketplace for labour.

MetaScan 4 - The Future of Asia: Implications for Canada

MetaScan 4 - The Future of Asia: Implications for Canada

Over the next 10–15 years, the world will experience two influential sources of change: the rise of Asia and the accelerating advancement of digital technologies.This study uses strategic foresight methods to examine the potential surprises and disruptions that could result as these two forces collide and interact to shape the future of Asia and the world.

MetaScan 3: Emerging Technologies

MetaScan 3: Emerging Technologies

Emerging technologies are laying the groundwork for decades to come, with major impacts anticipated in every aspect of our lives.


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