Health Canada

Health Canada is responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health. It ensures that high-quality health services are accessible, and works to reduce health risks.

We are a federal institution that is part of the Health portfolio.


We are in the process of moving our services and information to

Our current Health Canada website will remain available until the move to is complete.


Vision for a Healthy Canada

Healthy People Building Healthy Communities

Open consultation:

Share your views on the regulation of self-care products.

Services and information

Food and nutrition

Healthy eating tips, information on food allergies, safety standards, labeling, recalls and monitoring food consumption.

Drugs and health products

Licensing, inspections, buying and using health products, side effects, recalls and complaints.

Medical use of marijuana

Process for getting dried and fresh marijuana or cannabis oil for medical purposes.

Health system and services

About the health care system, including services, health cards, program funding and drug coverage.

Health risks and safety

About health and safety, including recalls and alerts, home, holiday and workplace safety, and radiation.

Non-insured health benefits for First Nations and Inuit

About the program, benefits and services, eligibility, claims and the appeal process.

Healthy living

Health and safety information, including oral and mental health, and risks of substance abuse, smoking and tobacco.

Pest control products

Pesticide use, recalls and alerts, reporting a problem, health risks and how pesticides are regulated.

Health and the environment

Exposure to chemicals, air quality, protection from the sun, pests and pesticides, and safety tips for home and garden.

Controlled substances

Controlled substances and chemicals that are used in illegal drug making (precursor chemicals).

Show more services and information

Consumer products

Reporting a safety issue, recalls and alerts, new cosmetic notifications and product safety education and testing.

Chemical safety

Health effects and safe handling of chemicals, chemical substance fact sheets and Canada's Chemicals Management Plan.

Substance abuse

Talking to teens about drugs, avoiding peer pressure, and risks of alcohol, controlled, illegal and prescription drugs.

Smoking and tobacco

Tobacco products, labelling, the effects of smoking, second-hand smoke, prevention, quitting and surveys on tobacco use.

Workplace health and safety

Workplace safety and hazards, including chemical, health and wellness, injury prevention and compensation.

Science, research and data

Health science, research, data, monitoring and surveillance, and the determinants of health.

Blood, organ and tissue donation

About blood donation and how to become an organ and tissue donor.

Emergency preparedness

How to make emergency kits and plans, prepare for extreme weather, teach children to cope in an emergency and use 9-1-1.

What we are doing

Corporate information


Honourable Jane Philpott

Minister of Health

Deputy Minister

Simon Kennedy

Deputy Minister

Associate Deputy Minister

Paul Glover

Associate Deputy Minister


Food allergies

Be alert, be safe.

Medical assistance in dying

Learn about the request process, who is eligible and who can provide the service.

Furniture tip-overs

See how you can protect your kids from furniture that could tip over.

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