Flood Ready

Flood Ready Campaign

Don't wait for the water!

What is overland flooding?

An overview of overland flooding in Canada, the cost and your role.

6 reasons you need to be Flood Ready

Flooding trends and risks.

Quiz: Are you Flood Ready?

Test your knowledge of flood risks to help protect your property and community.

Flood Ready first steps

A step by step guide to make your property and community more flood ready.

Protect your property with Flood Ready fixes

Ways to build flood-readiness into your property.

Making communities Flood Ready

Community flood planning steps, tools and government programs.


3 ways to be #FloodReady

Learn about floods, know the risks and be a part of the solution.

Being #FloodReady

Perception vs. Reality

6 reasons to make sure you’re #FloodReady

Don’t wait for the water!

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