Canada Pension Plan – After you have applied

6. After you have applied

Upon completion of your application, you can choose to apply for various other CPP benefits and provisions, including:

  • Pension sharing
    You may be eligible to share your CPP retirement pension with your spouse or common-law partner.
  • Credit splitting
    The CPP contributions you and your spouse or common-law partner made during the time you lived together can be equally divided after a divorce or separation.
  • Child-rearing provision
    You may be eligible to increase your CPP retirement pension if you had zero or low earnings because you were the primary caregiver raising your children.
  • Foreign benefits
    If you have lived or worked in Canada and in another country, or you are the survivor of someone who has lived or worked in Canada and in another country, you may be eligible for pensions and benefits from Canada and/or from the other country.
  • Survivor benefits
    If you are the estate, surviving spouse, common-law partner or child of a CPP contributor, you may be entitled to receive CPP survivor benefits.

If you have applied online, you will receive a letter within a month confirming your eligibility, your start date and the amount you will receive. If you do not receive a letter, contact Canada Pension Plan.

If you have submitted a paper application and have not received a written confirmation of your entitlement three months before your requested start date, contact Canada Pension Plan to find out the status of your application.

You may request a reconsideration of any decision that affects your eligibility or the amount of your benefit.

View and update your Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security information

Use My Service Canada Account to view and update your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) information.

If you currently receive payments from either the CPP or OAS, or if receipt of your first OAS payment is pending, you can use My Service Canada Account to:

  • change your mailing address and telephone number
  • sign up for direct deposit or change your banking information; and
  • view your payment information, including:
    • your payment dates; and
    • the amount of your monthly payments.

If you have received a Notification Letter (ISP-3009) and you do not wish to receive your OAS pension at this time, you can use My Service Canada Account to delay receiving your OAS pension.


It is not possible to make changes to your address, payment destination, or telephone number online if you:

  • have or had an address or payment destination outside Canada;
  • are receiving CPP or OAS benefits in part under an international agreement; or
  • are 18 to 25 years old and you receive CPP children's benefits.

Contact us to change your address, payment destination, or telephone number.

Return to the My Service Canada Account homepage.

Financial affairs

If you have authorized someone to act as power of attorney on your behalf, that person cannot use My Service Canada Account.

If you have notified us that a registered trustee, guardian or other legal representative is taking care of your financial affairs, neither you nor your representative can use My Service Canada Account.

If you receive a Quebec Pension Plan benefit, contact Retraite Québec.

The Canada Pension Plan appeals process

You may request a reconsideration of any decision that affects your eligibility or the amount of your Canada Pension Plan benefit.

What is a reconsideration?

A reconsideration is a new review of your application by the Department. Service Canada staff who were not involved in making the original decision will review your application, as well as any new information supplied by you, or by others on your behalf.

How do I request a reconsideration?

You must make your request for reconsideration in writing within 90 days after you are notified in writing of the decision.

Prepare your written request for reconsideration and include:

  • your name, address, telephone number, and Social Insurance Number;
  • a detailed explanation of why you want a reconsideration; and
  • any new information that could affect the decision.

Sign and date your written request and submit it by mail to the return address on the decision letter.

Reconsideration can take several months to complete, depending on the case. Service Canada will re-examine your application and will send you a letter that explains its decision once the review is completed.

If you disagree with the reconsideration decision

If you disagree with the reconsideration decision, the next step would be to contact the Social Security Tribunal to appeal.

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