ROE Web Online Registration Video

Please note:

Service Canada will be revising its web videos to reflect the new look of our website. Viewers can still refer to these videos to get a good overview of our programs and services.


(Stacks of white paper appear on either side of a desk. The text “Are you still issuing paper records of employment” appears between the two stacks.)

Are you still issuing paper records of employment?

(The silhouette of a man seated at a desk in front of a computer appears. He looks at the computer on his desk. The ROE Web identifier appears on the computer. The text “Register Online for ROE Web” appears to the right of the man.)

Register online for ROE Web from the comfort of your desk.

(A box containing the text “75% of all ROEs are now submitted electronically” appears.)

It's an easier and faster way to issue ROEs!

(Three new words appear one by one: “Sign In,” “Validate” and “Activate.” The text “Start issuing 53 week ROEs electronically” appears.)

Simply sign-in, validate, and activate, and you'll be on your way to issuing 53-week ROEs electronically.

(The words “Sign In” appear.)

First, sign-in.

(A screenshot of the “Access ROE Web” webpage appears. A cursor moves across the page and clicks on a tab.)

Access ROE Web securely using a Sign-In Partner or a GCKey.

(The silhouette of a man appears at the centre of the screen. Then the silhouette shrinks and is captured within a frame on a form. The text “Create your professional profile” appears on screen.)

As the primary officer - the person who will manage the ROE Web account on behalf of the organization - create your professional profile.

(The text “User reference number ROG-000-111-222-333” appears.)

Once completed, you will be provided with a user reference number, which is important to keep.

(The words “Organization Profile” appear on a form. Then the text “Canada Revenue Agency business number 111111111RP1234” appears.)

Next, create a profile for the organization for which you want to issue ROEs, providing the organization's Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number.

(The word “Validate” appears.)

Second, validate your identity.

(A screenshot of the Canada Revenue Agency “My Account for Individuals” webpage appears. A cursor moves across the page and clicks on a tab.)

Now, you can conveniently authenticate your identity online through CRA My Account. Creating an account is easy if you don't already have one.

(A white envelope appears on the left side of the screen. The code AAA3B2BB342AAB21 is featured above the envelope. The text “An authorization code will now be mailed” appears on the right side of the screen. Then the text disappears and the envelope moves to the top of the screen. A pyramid of 13 silhouettes, men and women, appears. All silhouettes are white, except for the one at the top, which is black. The pyramid disappears, and the envelope flies off and reappears next to the silhouette of a man. The word “You” appears.)

An authorization code will now be mailed and on its way to the business owner or chief executive officer of your organization. There will be clear instructions and contact information to get this code back to you.

(The word “Activate” appears.)

You can now activate your account.

(The white envelope with code AAA3B2BB342AAB21 reappears. A cursor moves and clicks on the envelope. Then a screenshot of the Service Canada site appears. The word “Confirm” appears on screen next to a check mark.)

With the code, you can confirm your authority to act as Primary Officer on behalf of the organization.

(A form containing a check mark appears. The words “ROE Web Agreement” appear below.)

Then, all you have to do is read and accept the ROE Web Agreement to start issuing electronic ROEs!

(The ROE Web identifier appears on the left. The cursor clicks on the ROE Web identifier. The words “Register,” “Submit,” and “Save” appear on the right.)

ROE Web. Register. Submit. Save.