Energy-efficient Housing Made More Affordable with Mortgage Loan Insurance

CMHC Green Home

Energy-efficient homes can be linked to increased comfort and healthier living while improving energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions and lowers the cost of owning and maintaining your home.

CMHC Green Home offers a premium refund of up to 25% to borrowers who either buy, build or renovate for energy efficiency using CMHC-insured financing.

Am I Eligible?

Buying or Building a Home

Homes built under the following building standards are automatically eligible for a partial mortgage loan insurance premium refund.

15% Premium Refund

25% Premium Refund

Built Green™ (National)
ENERGY STAR® (National)
GreenHouse™ (ON)
GreenHome™ (YK)
LEED Canada for Homes (National)
Novoclimat (QC)
Power Smart for New Homes (MB)


Homes NOT built under an eligible building standard must be assessed by a NRCan qualified energy advisor and have a rating that complies with the following requirements:


15% Premium Refund

25% Premium Refund


EnerGuide Rating 0-100 Scale

Rating 82 - 85

Rating 86 - 100

EnerGuide Rating Gigajoules per year Scale

Rating of at least 15% lower than “A Typical New House”

Rating of at least 40% lower than “A Typical New House”

NRCan is introducing updates to the EnerGuide rating scale. During the transition period, provinces and territories will continue to use the 0-100 scale until they are ready to adopt the new gigajoules per year scale.

Apply Online
or Download the Application Form to Apply by MailPDF

Buying a Condo

Condominium units in high rise buildings built to the LEED Canada New Construction standard (Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum) automatically qualify for a 15% premium refund.

You may also be eligible if your building meets the following criteria:

15% Premium Refund

25% Premium Refund

The building is designed to be 20% more energy-efficient than compliance with the applicable building code

The building is designed to be 40% more energy-efficient than compliance with the applicable building code

Apply Online
or Download the Application Form to Apply by MailPDF

Renovating Your Home

If you purchase an existing home and make energy-efficient improvements you may be eligible for a CMHC Green Home premium refund*. To qualify, your home must be assessed by a Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) qualified energy advisor before and after the energy efficiency improvements are made.

NRCan is introducing updates to the EnerGuide rating scale. During the transition period, provinces and territories will continue to use the 0-100 scale until they are ready to adopt the new gigajoules per year scale.

If your province has NOT adopted the new rating scale:


15% Premium Refund

25% Premium Refund

If Pre‐retrofit rating ≤ 55**

Increase rating by 10 points

Increase rating by 20 points

If Pre‐retrofit rating ˃ 55

Increase rating by 5 points

Increase rating by 10 points

If your province has adopted the new rating scale:


15% Premium Refund

25% Premium Refund

If pre‐retrofit rating is 200 GJ/year or higher***

Decrease by 45 GJ/year

Decrease by 90 GJ/year

If Pre‐Retrofit rating is lower than 200 GJ/year

Decrease by 20 GJ/year

Decrease by 45 GJ/year

Apply Online
or Download the Application Form to Apply by MailPDF

*CMHC mortgage loan insurance premium refunds remain available to borrowers that used CMHC financing for a refinance of an existing home where energy-efficient improvements were made.

**To be eligible, the post retrofit energy evaluation must achieve a minimum rating of 60.

***To be eligible, the post-retrofit energy evaluation must achieve an EnerGuide rating of no higher than 250 GJ/year.




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