Health Canada
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Health Concerns

In life, we encounter certain risks that can have an impact on our health. You can decrease the impact that these risks can have by:

  • Increasing your knowledge of diseases and health conditions, and in certain cases, on the steps you can take to help prevent them;
  • Becoming aware of how your environment affects your health;
  • Choosing not to smoke, or if you already smoke, taking steps to quit;
  • Avoiding illicit drugs; and
  • Putting an end to other negative lifestyle practices.

What Information is Available?

In this section, you will find information related to a number of health concerns, and the measures you can take to protect yourself and your family:

  • Controlled Substances and Precursor Chemicals: Learn about the measures Health Canada is taking to prevent the production of illicit drugs.
  • Diseases and Conditions: Find out about many diseases and health conditions, their symptoms, treatments and choices to stay healthy.
  • Drug Prevention and Treatment: Learn more about the hazards of illicit drugs use and the risks that drugs pose to the health of your family and your community.
  • Emergencies and Disasters: Get informed about the Government’s role in responding to emergencies and disasters that can affect the health of Canadians.
  • Tobacco: Become more aware about how smoking affects your health and on the steps you can take to stay smoke-free.