Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
Tobacco Control
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Coming March 31, 2008 – A Healthier BC
(Press Release)

Text Box: A Quick Guide

On March 31, 2008, new tobacco legislation will come fully into force. 

The amended Tobacco Control Act:

  • bans smoking in indoor public places and work places;
  • bans smoking near public doorways, windows, and air intakes; and
  • limits the display and sales of tobacco and tobacco products.

Please click here for a copy of the Order In Council amending the Tobacco Control Regulation.

What do these changes mean for you?

Oval: IndividualsFind out how these changes might affect you, and what you should know about the new tobacco laws.

Oval: BusinessesVirtually all businesses and employers will be affected by the new laws.  A range of resources and support will be available to help businesses comply with the new laws.

Oval: CommunitiesThe new regulation will mean changes in your community.

Tobacco Control Program

Our goals are to prevent youth and young adults from starting to use tobacco, to encourage and assist tobacco users to quit or reduce their use of tobacco products, focusing on the three groups with the highest rates of tobacco use, and to protect British Columbians, especially infants and children, from exposure to second-hand smoke.

The Tobacco Control Program develops legislation, programs and resources to; prevent tobacco use, help people quit smoking and protect British Columbian's from exposure to second hand smoke. BC’s health authorities and their staff, including Regional Tobacco Reduction Coordinators and Tobacco Enforcement Officers deliver many of these programs.

Why are we focusing on reducing tobacco use?

Tobacco-related illness is the leading cause of preventable death in BC. Tobacco use causes up to 6,000 deaths in BC each year. The facts show smoking kills more people in BC than all other drugs, motor vehicle collisions, murder, suicide and HIV/AIDS combined.


For More Information:

Tobacco Control Program
Ministry of Health
Government of British Columbia
1515 Blanshard Street, 4th Floor
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3C8
Phone: (250) 952-1673
FAX: (250) 952-1570


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Last Revised: December 17, 2007

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