Entry criteria and the Comprehensive Ranking System

Note: The points you can get for a job offer has changed. You can now get:

  • 200 points for NOC 00 jobs with a valid job offer
  • 50 points for any other NOC 0, A and B jobs with a valid job offer
  • additional points for study in Canada above high school:
    • 15 points for a one- or two-year diploma or certificate
    • 30 points for a degree, diploma or certificate of three years or longer, or a Master’s, professional or doctoral degree of at least one year.

Find out more about the recent changes to Express Entry.

The Express Entry system creates a pool of pre-assessed candidates that may be eligible to immigrate to Canada. Candidates get points based on a number of criteria, and the highest ranking candidates in the pool are invited to apply to immigrate to Canada.

There are different requirements to get into the pool and to be chosen from it. You must meet all the entry criteria to get into the pool. To be chosen from the pool, you must have one of the highest-ranking scores (see below) when there is a round of invitations.

Pool entry criteria

To get into the Express Entry pool, you will need to meet the criteria of one of the federal immigration programs subject to Express Entry:

You can read about the criteria of any of these programs at the above links. Or, you can use our online tool, Come to Canada, to see if you might meet the criteria to get into the Express Entry pool.

Comprehensive Ranking System

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is a points-based system that is used to assess and score a candidate’s profile to rank them in the Express Entry pool.

The CRS will assess the profile information you submit, including:

  • skills,
  • work experience,
  • language ability,
  • education and other factors.

We have found these factors all play a role in economic success for immigrants once in Canada. You can get additional points if you have a job offer or a nomination by one of Canada’s provinces or territories.

We regularly send an invitation to apply to the highest ranking candidates in the pool. If you are invited, you can apply to immigrate as a permanent resident.

Comprehensive Ranking System formula

All Express Entry candidates are given a score out of 1,200, based on the four parts of the Comprehensive Ranking System formula:

  • Skills and experience factors (that we know are key to economic success for immigrants once in Canada)
  • Spouse or common-law partner factors (such as their language skills and education – these are known to result in better economic success for both the spouse or common-law partner and the candidate)
  • Skills transferability (including education and work experience – factors that when combined, result in better chances of being employed, and higher earnings)
  • Additional points for those with a nomination from a province or territory, a valid job offer or a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate.
A. Single candidates B. Candidates spouses or common-law partners that will come with them to Canada
(The maximum number of points is the same no matter the person’s marital status.)

1. Skills and experience factors (maximum 500)

1. Skills and experience factors (maximum 460)

2. N/A

2. Spouse or common-law partner factors (maximum 40)

3. Skill transferability factors (maximum 100)

3. Skill transferability factors (maximum 100)

4. Additional points (maximum 600)

4. Additional points (maximum 600)

Grand total (maximum 1,200) Grand total (maximum 1,200)

See the full Comprehensive Ranking System criteria.

Top questions about Express Entry

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