If you get sick after travelling

Canadians should always protect their health while travelling to other countries, not only for themselves but also to avoid spreading illness to others after their return to Canada. 

If you become sick (e.g. fever, shortness of breath) or if symptoms of an existing medical condition worsen while travelling, and you are still sick when you return to Canada, tell a flight attendant or cruise staff, or a border services officer when you arrive. They will decide whether you need further medical assessment by a quarantine officer.

If you are sick after you return to Canada or if you were sick while you were away, see a health care provider and tell them the countries you visited, and if you received medical care (for example, blood transfusions, injections, dental care, or surgery). Describe your symptoms to the health care provider before you make the appointment. Some illnesses, such as measles, are highly contagious, so he/she might arrange to see you without exposing others.


If you’ve been taking medication to prevent malaria while travelling, you must continue to take it until it is finished, even after your return to Canada.

If you’ve been to an area where malaria occurs and you develop a fever within a year of returning home, tell your health care provider immediately. This is especially important if your fever develops in the first three months after you return home.

If you get sick, you may need a blood test to confirm that you do not have malaria. Taking anti-malarial medication doesn’t guarantee that you will not get malaria.

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