Marketing and sales

Learn techniques for promoting your business and selling your goods and services online and offline.


Services and information

Marketing basics

Brush up on key marketing concepts, learn how to develop a marketing plan, and assess strategic marketing options for your company.

Promoting and advertising your business

Learn how to use advertising and other promotional techniques effectively.

Sales and customer relationship management

Looking to increase your sales and manage relationships with your customers and the public? Learn how with these useful resources.

Developing your website

Learn how to create a website so you can attract more customers to your business.

Online sales

Learn how to set up a secure payment system for your online sales.

Sell to government

Information on how to promote and sell your goods and services to government, search for bidding opportunities and compete for government contracts in Canada and internationally.

Performing arts services or sponsorship at Capital events

The Department of Canadian Heritage contracts services with performing artists and also offers sponsorship and Capital attraction advertising opportunities.

Canada Brand

Learn how the Canada Brand logo on your packaging can help consumers identify your food and agriculture products as grown and made in Canada.

Advertising and competition rules

Fair competition is good for both consumers and businesses. Learn about ensuring truth in advertising, investigation of cartels, preventing abuse of market power, reviewing mergers, ensuring corporate compliance, and regulating promotional contests.

Phasing out the penny

Find out about the phasing out of the penny in Canada and what it means for your business.

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