Science educational resources

Find science activities, games, lesson plans, videos and more to help children and teens learn about science and technology.

Services and information

Science activity books

Need science activities for your students or children? Our seven activity books contain dozens of individual experiments and activities covering several scientific disciplines for elementary to secondary level.

Teaching tools and lesson plans

Access lesson plans and other information for educators to help with the planning of science curriculum and activities.

Science activities

Find experiments and other scientific activities to give children a hands-on experience learning science.


Access geographical information on a variety of different topics from natural resources to demographics to health issues and more.

Ask a scientist

Have a burning science question? Submit your question to our panel of scientists or review past answers to submitted questions on astronomy, chemistry, health, geology, physics and more.

Online science games

From fossils to animals to germs and more, find online science games where kids can have fun while learning.

Ontario online research co-op for high school students

Find out how highly motivated high school students in grades 11 and 12 can be matched with top researchers in the fields of science and technology to carry out research projects and learn about science as a career.

Science videos

More than 100 science videos on topics like environment, energy, health, food, materials, security and marine and freshwater sciences.

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