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The CHIN Listservs Are Back!

March 2016


CHIN is pleased to announce the re-launching of the CHIN-hosted email distribution lists!

Last year, an unexpected failure of one of CHIN’s servers resulted in the disruption of these discussion groups. We experienced a number of challenges in re-establishing this service, and have finally made arrangements through a commercial service provider that should offer much greater compatibility and security. CHIN intends to continue to host these distribution lists on this more reliable platform for years to come.

We also wish to inform you that we have changed the email addresses for these CHIN distribution lists:

Old Email Address:

New Email Address:

Please note: Some users may wish to update the contact information in their address books with the new addresses. However, subscribers that just read messages, or reply to them – without ever creating new threads – will not need to do anything differently. Only members who wish to post new messages will need to pay close attention when creating threads, so that the correct email addresses are used (the one ending in

You must be a member of the group to be able to communicate with other subscribers. If you wish to join any of the lists administered by CHIN, or to withdraw from a group, please send a blank email to the following email addresses:






To Join:


To Unsubscribe:

Additional details are included in a FAQ section below. Detailed instructions are also posted on our website.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Global Worldwide Network of People

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a listserv?

An electronic mailing list is an automated email system that takes messages sent to a single address and distributes a copy to all subscribers in the group. Once a user has joined a list, participating is as easy as replying to an email. Ongoing discussions are usually organised by topic, called threads, much like an electronic bulletin board. These unmoderated tools allow museum professionals to stay abreast of best practices and ask questions to their fellow colleagues.

Why we believe the listservs are an important communication tool?

For over two decades, CHIN has made a number of email distribution lists available to the museum community. During our most recent consultations at the provincial museum association conferences, members stressed the importance of being able to connect and communicate with each other. Based on this feedback from the community, CHIN is committed to supporting Canadian museums and heritage institutions by offering networking opportunities like the listservs.

>> Version française

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3 Responses to The CHIN Listservs Are Back!

  1. Ruth says:

    So happy to have you back!!

  2. Cynthia White Thornley says:

    What is the difference between each of the List Serves eg. What is Fireweed-L?

  3. RCIP-CHIN says:

    Good question, here are the descriptions for the different lists:

    Canmuse-L: This bilingual list provides an opportunity for discussion, information requests, and dissemination of information of interest to heritage professionals in Canada. All museum-related topics are welcome. Canmuse-L is the largest list of its kind in Canada and one of the largest in the world.

    Onmuse-L: This list is reserved for members of the Ontario Museum Association (OMA). The OMA gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) for launching this Listserv on its server.

    Fireweed-L: This electronic mailing list provides a forum for discussion, information requests, and dissemination of information of interest among Yukon heritage professionals. Created in 2003, this discussion group is provided as a free service to the Yukon museum community by the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN).

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