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Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Daily is released Monday to Friday at 8:30 a.m.
Eastern time, except during holidays.

Prices and price indexes

Industrial product and raw materials price indexes, February 2017

The Industrial Product Price Index edged up 0.1% in February, primarily due to higher prices for meat, fish and dairy products and primary non-ferrous metal products. The Raw Materials Price Index increased 1.2%, mainly as a result of higher prices for animals and animal products.

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For-hire Motor Carrier Freight Services Price Index, fourth quarter 2016

The For-hire Motor Carrier Freight Services Price Index rose 0.9% in the fourth quarter, following a 0.4% increase in the third quarter.

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Travel and tourism

National tourism indicators, fourth quarter 2016

Tourism spending in Canada increased 0.4% in the fourth quarter, following a 2.1% gain in the third quarter.

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Culture and leisure

Film, television and video production, 2015

The film, television and video production industry reported $4.8 billion in total operating revenue in 2015, up 14.9% from 2013.

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Business, consumer and property services

Consulting services, 2015

The management, scientific and technical consulting services industry group reported $19.8 billion in operating revenue in 2015, up 4.1% from 2014. Operating expenses grew 6.7% to $14.7 billion, resulting in an operating profit margin of 25.8%.

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Monthly civil aviation statistics, January 2017

The six Canadian Level I air carriers flew 6.2 million passengers on scheduled and charter services in January, up 8.3% from January 2016.

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Service bulletin: Quarterly civil aviation statistics, First quarter to fourth quarter 2015

Quarterly civil aviation operating and financial statistics for 2015 are now available in the service bulletin Aviation.

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New products

Aviation: "Civil Aviation, Quarterly Operating and Financial Statistics, Canadian Air Carriers, Levels I and II", First Quarter 2015 to Fourth Quarter 2015, Vol. 49, no. 8

Catalogue number Catalogue number51-004-X2017008 (HTML | PDF)

New studies and articles

Income and Expenditure Accounts Technical Series: "Canadian Tourism Satellite Account, 2012", No. 84

Catalogue number Catalogue number13-604-M2017084 (HTML)

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