Education and Training - For Aboriginal Peoples

  • University College Entrance Preparation Program (UCEP)
    The University College Entrance Preparation Program (UCEP) provides financial assistance for the equivalent of one year to eligible First Nation and Inuit students to enable them to attain the academic level required for admittance to post-secondary education programs.
  • Post-Secondary Student Support Program
    The Post-Secondary Student Support Program provides financial assistance to First Nation and Inuit students who are pursuing post-secondary education.
  • Legal Studies for Aboriginal People Program
    The Legal Studies for Aboriginal People Program promotes the equitable representation of Aboriginal people in the legal profession by providing bursaries to Métis and non-status Indians who wish to attend law school.
  • Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry Program
    The Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry Program aims to facilitate the selection and enrolment of Aboriginal people who are interested in full-time employment in the Canadian Forces by acquainting them with military training prior to making a formal commitment to enlist.
  • Bold Eagle Program
    The Bold Eagle Program provides Aboriginal youth with summer employment that offers a combination of military training and First Nations cultural awareness.
  • Aboriginal Training Program in Museum Practices
    The Aboriginal Training Program in Museum Practices provides Aboriginal people with professional and technical training in museum practices as well as internship opportunities at the Canadian Museum of History.

Other programs and services:

  • Training and Employment Initiatives
    Employment and Social Development Canada supports several Employment Programs to help unemployed and underemployed Canadians, including those facing barriers to employment.
  • Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP)
    The Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) allows individuals to withdraw funds from their registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) to finance training or education for themselves or their spouse or common-law partner.

See all Education and Training programs and services.