International security and disarmament

Canada promotes security and stability abroad, delivers international programs that address security challenges, and responds effectively to international crises. Canada advances international security by addressing a broad range of challenges, including but not limited to: terrorism; risks linked to the proliferation of conventional, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons; transnational organized crime; and human smuggling.


International and domestic terrorist groups are present in Canada; some are engaged in terrorist activity here, while others are active beyond Canada’s borders. Canada’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy outlines the first priority of the Government of Canada: to protect Canada and ensure the safety of Canadians at home and abroad. For more information, see Terrorism.

Non-proliferation and disarmament

Canada's goal is the total elimination of all nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and introducing effective controls on their means of delivery. For more information, see Non-Proliferation and Disarmament.

Weapons and materials of mass destruction (WMD) threat reduction

DFATD’s Global Partnership Program (GPP) is the main mechanism through which Canada supports international efforts through concrete projects to prevent the proliferation of weapons and materials of mass destruction (WMD) and their potential use by terrorists. For more information, see Global Partnership Program.

Transnational crime

Transnational organized crime fuels crime in Canada; its adverse impacts touch all Canadians. That means looking beyond our own borders and focussing on countries that represent a threat to Canada. For more information, see Transnational Crime.

Research and outreach

Canada draws upon the expertise of academic/think-tank communities in Canada and abroad to inform and support the development of Canada's international security policy. For more information, see International Security Research and Outreach Programme.

Peace and stabilization

Canada is a determined peacebuilder. We have a long history as a contributor to international peace, security and stability. Through the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOPs) Canada works with allies and partners to help stop violence, provide security, create space for dialogue and conflict resolution. Communities can then work towards recovering their livelihoods and rebuild. For more information, see Peace and Stabilization Operations Program.

Global Coalition
Iran's Nuclear Program
Remote Sensing Space systems Act
Canadian National Authority - Chemical Weapons Convention

A secure Internet

Canada believes Internet users must be confident of their safety and security online and not be subject to malicious cyber activity. For more information, see Internet Foreign Policy Issues.