Welcome to the Royal Canadian Air Force

Battle of Britain: Did you know?

In late August, Allied forces began dropping bombs on Berlin in retaliation for an accidental Luftwaffe bombing of London. A furious Hitler ordered massive bombing attacks on British cities, and the Blitz began on September 7. But as bombs rained down on London, the shift in targets turned Luftwaffe attention from airfields and ground elements of the air defence system. More importantly, the change allowed Fighter Command to have more warning of Luftwaffe attacks and to be better prepared.

Battle of Britain Webpage



The Royal Canadian Air Force supports the Government of Canada in fulfilling the Canadian Armed Forces’ three key defence roles: defending Canada by delivering excellence at home, defending North America by being a strong, reliable and credible defence partner with the United States in the defence of the continent, and contributing to international peace and security by projecting leadership abroad.

Wings Across Canada 

1 Wing Kingston • 2 Wing Bagotville3 Wing Bagotville • 4 Wing Cold Lake • 5 Wing Goose Bay 
8 Wing Trenton • 9 Wing Gander • 12 Wing Shearwater • 14 Wing Greenwood • 15 Wing Moose Jaw
16 Wing Borden • 17 Wing Winnipeg • 19 Wing Comox • 22 Wing North Bay

Mission and Vision


The Air Force will provide the Canadian Forces with relevant, responsive and effective airpower to meet the defence challenges of today and into the future.


An agile and integrated air force with the reach and power essential for Canadian Forces operations.

You're not alone -
Mental Health resources for CAF members and families

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