Study in Canada

Apply to study in Canada, extend your study permit and get information about working while you study or after you graduate.

Special Measures for Foreign Nationals Affected by the U.S. Executive Order: Individuals who have made travel arrangements to enter the United States, have the documents that would normally have been required to enter the US, but cannot travel to the United States due to the Executive Order, can apply for temporary status in Canada, or to have their current temporary status extended. Read more.

For all study permit holders from visa-exempt countries:

A study permit is not a visa. It does not give you the right to board your flight to Canada. Along with your permit, you will need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to fly to Canada.

If you are from a visa-exempt country and received your study permit before August 1, 2015, you will need to apply for eTA if you leave Canada and return by air.

If you received your initial permit on or after August 1, 2015, you were automatically issued an eTA along with your permit.

If you renew a study permit, an eTA is not automatically renewed or issued to you. You need to apply for one separately. See Extend your study permit.

Find a school you can attend

Canadian schools that can host international students (known as designated learning institutions)

Get a study permit

Applications for study permits, processing times and what to expect after you arrive in Canada

Extend your study permit

Application form and instructions for renewing your study permit or for restoring your status to continue your studies in Canada

Work while/after you study

Information about work on campus, off campus, as part of a co-op/internship program or after you graduate

Information for educational institutions

Information about the International Student Program, policies and procedures, fraud and work and immigration opportunities for students

Changes to the Student Program

New requirements for students, postsecondary studies at Designated Learning Institutions (DLI) and working while studying, in effect since June 1, 2014

What we are doing

Do you want to come to Canada?

Answer a few questions to find out if you are eligible to study in Canada or to extend your study permit in Canada and how to submit an online or paper application.

Apply online for a study permit

Submit your application online to study in Canada.

Learn about student life in Canada

Read more about what it’s like to be a student in Canada and how to make the most of your experience.

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