The Canadian Museum for Human Rights is the realization of a dream of the late Israel Asper, OC, OM, QC, LLD, a philanthropist and founder of CanWest...

IAUD 2016 Gold Award: Category of Public Space
Presented to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights by the International...

We are currently experiencing the largest refugee crisis since the Second World War, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees....

  • The Canadian Museum for Human Rights is the realization of a dream of the late Israel Asper, OC, OM, QC, LLD, a philanthropist and founder of CanWest...

  • IAUD 2016 Gold Award: Category of Public Space
    Presented to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights by the International...

  • We are currently experiencing the largest refugee crisis since the Second World War, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees....

Google Earth map of the Museum

Be inspired. Visit. Explore.

85 Israel Asper Way
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0L5

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