Directories of Canadian companies

Use our directories of Canadian companies to find suppliers, research competitors, check a company's federal corporation status and more. Search or browse the directories or register your own company.

Services and information

Search for Canadian companies

Search for Canadian suppliers of goods, services and technology in this database of over 50,000 Canadian companies. Also browse by industry sector or in our specialized directories.

Business Registry Search Pilot

One search to find federally incorporated businesses and businesses registered in Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec.

Search for a federal corporation

Look up federal corporations by corporate name, corporation number, or Business Number (BN).

Find Canadian importers

Find out which companies are importing goods into Canada by product, by city and by country of origin.

Register or update your company's listing

Register your company or update your listing in this free promotional database of over 50,000 Canadian companies.

Agriculture and agri-food supplier directories

Visit a variety of supplier directories by product category and by Canadian province. These databases offer access to a wide range of suppliers in Canada.

Canadian arctic capabilities by sector

Canadian companies and organizations offering products and services in arctic business sectors.

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