Prescription drug abuse: Testimonial videos

The abuse of prescription drugs can have serious health risks. It can also damage families and relationships. Hear the stories of young Canadians and their families affected by prescription drug abuse and addiction. The videos are true stories about addiction, counselling and treatment.

On this page

Testimonial videos

Watch young adults and their parents tell their stories about prescription drug addiction.

Étienne's story

Listen to Étienne's story about how his prescription drug addiction took over his life, and how therapy helped him recover.

Marie-Louise's story

Listen to Marie-Louise's story about how one pill to help her sleep led to a 6 years prescription drugs addiction, and even jail. Also find out how she got help and recovered.

Samuel's story

Hear Samuel's story about is addiction to drugs, especially opioids, the negative effects it had on his health and life in general, and how he recovered.

Kristina's story

Discover Kristina's story. She is a registered practical nurse that specializes in drug treatment. Every day she sees people suffering the effects of opioid addiction.

Karlee's story

Listen to Karlee's story about prescription drug addiction, its negative effects on her life and how she recovered.

Jordan's story

Listen to Jordan's story  and how his dependence on pain medication led to tragedy.

Meagan's story

Hear Meagan's story about how her prescription drug abuse quickly turned into an unshakeable addiction. Also find out how she got treatment.

Tom's story

Discover Tom's story about his dependence on painkillers, how it took over his life and how treatment helped.

Purpose of the project

These are unique video testimonials, created to:

  • increase awareness of the harmful effects of prescription drug abuse on youth and their families
  • help those coping with addiction
  • prevent prescription drug abuse
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