Prestations versées dans les pays avec lesquels le Canada a conclu un accord de sécurité sociale Nombre de prestations et montants versés dans les pays avec lesquels le Canada a conclu un accord de sécurité sociale pour les personnes qui ont vécu ou travaillé à l’étranger. 2012-01-31 2017-02-09 Emploi et Développement social Canada Société et cultureprestationssécurité socialeaccord de sécurité socialeinternationalRPCSVRégime de pensions du Canada 2012-2016CSV 2012-2016XLS

Prestations versées dans les pays avec lesquels le Canada a conclu un accord de sécurité sociale

Nombre de prestations et montants versés dans les pays avec lesquels le Canada a conclu un accord de sécurité sociale pour les personnes qui ont vécu ou travaillé à l’étranger.


Nom de la ressource Type de ressource Format Langue Liens
2012-2016 Jeu de données CSV Anglais
2012-2016 Jeu de données XLS Anglais

Commentaires (22)

I clicked a link to the countries that Canada has a pension agreement with and I got a forum for complaints. How clever to realize that if I don't get the link I was offered that a complaint forum is the next best thing.

Hi Stuart, Did you try clicking on the access buttons of this page? Also, if you could point out the link that led you to the incorrect page I can flag it to our IT team and have them fix it. Thank you, Momin, the Open Governemnt team.

For information on Canada's social security agreements please visit: Lived or living outside Canada - Pensions and benefits – Overview Thank you, The Open Government team

useless information the worst web site on the Internet.

Hi Bill, We are sorry that you are not satisfied with our website. We are continuously trying to improve our portal and your feedback is important to us. If there is any information that you'd like help looking for, please let me know so I can assist you further. Momin, the Open Government team.

I worked in Ontario for eight year's and my employer was Bell Canada I am now 67 year's old and want to claim any pension rights that I paid through the company, either CPP the companies pp. I am in receipt of state pension in the UK. Cán you help direct me ......tks

Thomas, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, but we do not deal with pension services directly. I would recommend you visit the following website for the correct information: I hope that helps. Momin, the Open Government team.

Good morning, I'm A Belgian citizen who has worked two years in Canada in the 90's. I would like to have a report of the social securities to provide to the pension in my country. Which person/email I should send this request . thanks in advance

Hi, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, but we do not deal with pension services directly. I would recommend you visit the following website for the correct information: I hope that helps. Momin, the Open Government team.

I wish to apply for a small pension i am entitled to from Norway for work there 1985-1987 (3 years income tax filed). The info i have is, i complet the forms and send them to and the canadians office will send them to Norway. But I need a mailing address in Canada, a phone number and a contact person. pls help. i don't wish to submit form improperly completed and waste my time and yours

Hi, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. I would recommend you contact CPP directly to have your inquiry addressed more directly. The information you are looking for can be found here: Thank you, Momin. the Open Government team.

Hi, I lived and work in Canada for more than 20 years and I'm a Canadian citizen. I want to move to the Philippines, can I take my CPP Pension to the Philippines?...

Hi, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. I would recommend you visit the following website for the correct information: Thank you, Momin. the Open Government team.

what is this???

Hi, This dataset shows the number of benefits paid outside Canada to countries with which Canada has concluded a Social Security Agreement to Canadians who have lived or worked in another country. If you have any specific questions about this dataset, please provide more details so I can address your inquiry more directly. Thank you, Momin, Open Government team.

Katia, If you follow the link above and click through the screens, you should have access to the information you need. This comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, but we don't deal with policies or program delivery. If you require further assistance, you can call Service Canada (from Canada and the United States) at 1-613-957-1954. They need you to have your Canadian social insurance number ready in order for them to assist. Best wishes, Karin the open-ouvert team

Hi, I worked at the Canadian Embassy in Algeria for 9 years while I was an Algerian citizen & contributed to the Canadian Pension Plan. I moved to the US & became a US citizen. Now, I am about to turn 65, I would like to know if I am entitled to the CPP? I could not find the appropriate information to guide that's why I am writing to you. Thanks so much for any help.

I worked in Australia for nearly two years in 1977 through to 1979. This year I will be turning 65 and may be entitled to pension benefits for the time I worked in Sydney. Please provide directions so I can inquire as to possible benefits I may be entitled to.

Stella - your first step would be to have a look here to see if you might be eligible. Best wishes, Karin - the open-ouvert team

I applaud the government for this initiative! In this case I would appreciate contextual information. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is not familiar with these programs. This dataset would be better if the terms were defined rather than simply stated. Even better would be a link to further information such as a wikipedia page that discusses the program. If such a page does not exist, a reference to key legislation on the topic would be helpful - because then some citizen may be motivated to create a wikipedia page on the topic. I recommend you expose another category of moderated comment: Suggested links. This would allow anybody to add their own links to the dataset which will provide the context for the data.

Thank you for your feedback. We have forwarded your comment to the dataset provider for their response. Best regards, the Open Government Team

The link to download is not pointing to a CSV file. Please update.