Aboriginal health

Access the First Nations and Inuit home and community care program, health services and nursing care. Also find support for former students of Indian residential schools.

Services and information

Health care services for First Nations and Inuit

Access the First Nations and Inuit home and community care program, health services and nursing care. Also find support for former students of Indian residential schools.

Non-insured health benefits for First Nations and Inuit

Learn about the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program and how to access it. Also search for important health-related resources, contact information and the Drug Benefit List.

Environmental and Aboriginal health

Know how to keep your home environment safe, healthy and free of contaminants. Also find tips to stay safe outdoors for every season.

Nutrition, food safety and Aboriginal health

Learn about food safety and the Nutrition North Canada program. Also find the Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide - First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

Mental health, addictions and Aboriginal health

Learn how to strengthen and maintain positive mental health and help prevent suicide in Aboriginal communities. Also access addiction treatment information and quit smoking tips.

Diseases, conditions and Aboriginal health

Get facts on diabetes, AIDS, the flu, tuberculosis and West Nile virus. Learn about symptoms, risks and programs to help Aboriginal Canadians prevent and manage illnesses.

Aboriginal family health

Find information on healthy pregnancy, child development and vaccinations. Also access programs to help First Nations and Inuit families improve their health.

What we are doing


Mental Health

Learn about your mental health, how to improve it and the resulting benefits.

Nutrition North Canada

Information on Nutrition North Canada, a subsidy program that seeks to improve access to perishable healthy food in isolated northern communities.


Tuberculosis is curable. Information on tuberculosis (TB) - learn how to recognize the symptoms and protect your family.

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